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How many did something generous today?

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report them - it's their fault, they can refund you and redo the transaction they just can't be bothered and could have left you without heating as guessing by amount you have gas central heating. There are still kind people out there


i have and they still won't do anything about it they said they would phone police so i told them to and then id explain why i was there then he said no i'm not phoning police he know's he's in the wrong but still won't do anything about it british gas have put a complaint in about it ,wouldn't mind but it's not the first time he's done it

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we helped a man out of a garden centre car park last night cos he was completely stuck in the snow, poor man was last to leave, we were just passing and saw him stuck. also my husband went in to sheffield city centre to the hospital (we live in barlborough, Derbyshire) to pick up his friend who was going home today. he lives in sheffield. luckily we have a very good 4x4 so he managed the roads.


think were people are able to help then they should. a lot of folk out there need assistance and we should all do what we can

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I fed my neighbours cat and made him a warm shelter in the garage, they have workmen in and he's too scared to go home, even in all this.

It's a small thing, but a good thing.



Does anyone have a ladder and want to clear the roof of my conservatory before it collapses?


That would be something to feel proud of :D

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Sod all the smuggies who think they should get awards for going to work or awards for staying at home.

How many have actually done something meaningful, with no thought of remuneration?


Have you shovelled snow for the neighbours car, fetched the old lady some milk or helped child mind or dog walk.?


Sod the smuggies!! Get a life. Yep. I walked to work. Set off at 0530 from Rotherham To the Northern General to look after sick patients. Is this classed as something meaningful or should i stay at home and let people (who may be related or friends of yours) fend for themselves. Then i could shovel someones drive for them:loopy:

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I phoned my poor friend and offered to dig out my car and go fetch her, or meet her half way between Gleadless and Lowedges if I couldn't get it out. She hasn't got very much money, has no form of transport and has a 2 year old running around, I was going to put her up til the snow clears a bit. She turned me down!!!

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For our elderly neighbours next door I went to the shop for them this morning even though I didnt want anything myself. I cleared all the snow from their path so they could get to their bin. I have a stew in the oven and I will be taking them some round at tea time. If doesnt take much effort to help the people who are more in need than your self. :)

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Last night myself, my partner, and the son in law went down Beighton Road helping to push cars up the hill.

My work has closed so wanted to do something to help others.

quite proud of myself as i'm no spring chicken and the old lungs struggle with all the cigs i smoke lol!

I just wonder about all the older people of Woodhouse that cant get out but near me there is more beer drinking dole wallers than owt else and they prob still in bed.

Get them out shoveling for their dole thats what i say :rant:

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I can say i have cleared the snow from my elderly neighbour foot pass and steps and also been to the shops for her "which was like the world was comming to an end" and not really as an act of kindness just because im going stir crazy in the house. so not looking for any thanks just thanks to my neighbour for letting me do it lol

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