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Parents: are your kids addicted to gaming?

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I think it can be a serious problem. Getting them off a computer can be problematic, especially if they dont have a social life as they think there is nothing to come off the computer for.

It is essential that parents make sure there are other activities for their kids to do other than to sit on a computer or watch TV for many hours a day.


However do they cope in the real world when it comes to getting on with others and holding down a job?

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I know many parents who get more tantrums getting their young kids of nintendo ds's than for anything else. Their playing them whilst walking downstairs for breakfast, to when going to bed. Never mind whilst out for a family walk in the woods. Even though I bet this program is more about older kids and young adults.

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I know many parents who get more tantrums getting their young kids of nintendo ds's than for anything else. Their playing them whilst walking downstairs for breakfast, to when going to bed. Never mind whilst out for a family walk in the woods. Even though I bet this program is more about older kids and young adults.


Then take the bloody thing from them. Crikey, how hard is it for parents to understand. If people do the same thing day after day ten inevitably an addiction or some form of reliance will arise. Parents need to realise that Johnny will do as Johnny is taught.


If parents teach kids about moderation and variety maybe kids will get more out of life.


Though I imagine this thread is just going to end up coming to the conclusion that video games are bad, they're ruining kids' lives and they should be banned.


All I ask is that parents (for once) point the finger of blame in their own direction.

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Yes mine do seem addicted to gaming. I dont mind these games in moderation . I have had to make them go outside and clear some snow then make a snowman today. I do think that given the chance the kids would play these games non stop.


I know the parents i'm on about spend an inordinate amount of time taking the things off them... But no they don't throw them away, well probably because at times they are the perfect distraction and most kids have them.


I'm not even saying that there bad for kids. I was explaining the other day to my Dad about my nephew, who reads all the instructions, and understands how to play advanced games, working out strategies and solving puzzles, even doing math working out what he needs to get, etc...


Personally I do think computers (more than games consoles) are good for kids learning. But there is an amount of time which is reasonable and responsible, as they say too much of anything is bad for you!

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I used to be pretty heavily into games, but over the last couple of years have managed to wean myself off them and rarely play nowadays. My Mum used to tell me to do other things, join sports clubs, go cycling, etc, but in my youth I was misguided and did not always pay attention.


I can see where the potential for addiction may lie, but at the same time I can see that it's not always as big a deal as it's made out to be.

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I have also experienced the tantrum thing to a small extent. I told my youngest i would sell the console if this got out of hand (and i would) It has stopped the tantrums. As its been said the parent has to be in control. I consider myself lucky as my kids seem to except my authority but not ever parent has this over their children.

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