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Calling all Ex-Pats from around the world


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I don't know if you 'd call the place I live in , in China exotic or not --------it's the Chinese equivalent of Sheffield ! To complete the picture , there's China's biggest coalfield just to the north.

However , it is interesting and sure has a sort of Dickensian city feel to it .Sometimes you wonder just how many activities can take place in one street .It's very busy , bustling active , commercial and well away from the Tourist Traps , so , I suppose you could say it was the REAL China.

With a bit of effort , you can see some great or unusual places and Beijing is about 12 hours away by train .

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I've taken a few pictures here but I would have no idea at all how to ,"send " them via a computer .

I can just about switch a computer on and off and that's about it .

{I have been on one computer course in my life , in Turkey in 1999 and that big earthquake happened half -way through , so they cancelled it . I haven't bothered much since ! }

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I am in Sheffield recovering from a hip replacement operation but I shall be returning back to my home in Ruby Bay in New Zealand in January.


Ruby Bay is just West Of Nelson on the South Island


Next May I shall be in China for four weeks touring all the tourist spots Hong Kong, Shanghai, Xian, The Great Wall, The Three Gorges, The Yangste etc. etc.


Maybe you could give me a few tips on China?


If you want any NZ photos you will have to wait until January.


Send me a PM if you want any.


Happy Days!

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Pop T .



Glad to hear you're coming to China and I'm sure you will enjoy your tour round . The Chinese , in general are lovely people , almost child-like a lot of the time -------innocent and warm-hearted .

Now , I don't want you to , "take this the wrong way " because it's the last thing I want you to do ---------but working here and coming on holiday can be very different ----------as it is for any country in the world , I suppose .

For what it's worth , here is my impression of Chinese people , up to now , in their normal environment . :--

They have some odd hygene standards . In the home , they are spotless but .........cafes and restaurants are often grubby by our standards and no-one seems bothered . Tables are often littered with nut-shells , for example and no-one seems to think it's important to clear them away before the next party of diners .

Toilets are often very smelly , but otherwise , generally clean . Things are improving in this respect .

One vey odd thing -------if you [ as a male ! ] go into a male toilet , there are often no cubicles . only , "barriers " . So , you can see the head and shoulders ------at the very least ------of a man squatting there . If you happen to know him , he wouldn't think it odd to hold a conversation with you , whilst he was , "on the job " . ! Very often , you see , or hear two friends having a good chat whilst they are doing their number 2 ' s .

The Chinese never like to admit that they are , "wrong " [ losing face ] . They will admit to a mistake or a misunderstanding but to be wrong doesn't seem in their vocabulary . This , too , is gradually changing as China has more and more contact with the West .

Time is very , "flexible " and promises are often made on the , "Manana " principle ------they say what they think YOU want to hear !. Again , this is slowly changing .

Meals are often given to , "seal " a friendship or a business deal . To refuse to go to such a meal may show you are not really interested .

Life is very family orientated and they regard the home as much less private than we do .They often , more or less , invite themselves to your home and don't think it's odd at all !

Boozing , British -style is still pretty much unknown in China . Most drinking is done at formal meal-times . I drink beer in a local restaurant and have never asked for food ........but they always bring some ........and it's nice !

Be careful of Chinese , "wine " . It's not wine ; it's a spirit and knocks your head off , especially as you're supposed to drink it in one gulp --------to be polite . !

Good luck , sincerely , with your holiday . Hope you get addicted and come and live here !

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