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Calling all Ex-Pats from around the world


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Viewing from NJ USA ( garden state) hot n humid in summer , Nor'easters in winter. Close to NY so everything is expensive ! I've been here for 19 yrs now. Once the kids graduate from school/college and hubby retires from police dept we are out of here:)


Where will you go britmom ? we live in Connecticut, moving south I hope this year.

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Queensland in Oz, been here 25 years and love it but enjoy coming back to visit family and old friends in Sheffield. I had a nice surprise when doing my shopping this week. The supermarket has Lurpak butter on the shelf, hope no one heard my shouts of excitement when I saw it.. they make think I'm nuts.:loopy:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Spain's good, Infact it gets better and better the longer i stay here. I still have to return to the UK to earn a few bob (but only for another 5 years 4 months) that is if the goverment does'ent move the goal post's again. I digress, southern Spain is most excellent and so is Portugual and it's so easy and quick to get here,the people are friendly, the food is excellent, dentists, doctors, hospitals,all very good,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Poppins, I'd like to go to either NC or SC too ! Somewhere it's not so busy you know off the beaten track.I'd love to have a huge back yard ( couple of acres would do me)


Come down to North central florida it's very rural and land is cheap if that's what you want,2 acres about $30,000

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I love Connecticut, boreing to some people, not many attractions here for tourists, but the cost of living and the housing are very expensive as it's country living but close to New York for commuters, so hopefully we'll be moving down to Georgia or S Carolina this year to enjoy our retirement years.
I live in Connecticut too, but way up North on the Mass line. I'm as close to Boston as NYC, so I get the Red Sox/ Yankees rivalry from both sides. Don't care for Florida, Conn is expensive but worth every penny. I've tried the Dixies, you can have them.
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