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Beam Me Back Scotty


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I have spent a lot of time, during the snow, on the superb Library Services - Pictures Sheffield web site. If Scotty could beam you back, what era would you select?


I would opt for pre 1st World War, this was a hard choice, as between the wars would be so interesting, but I think that for someone born in 1947, I would need to go a little further back.


What would you guys opt for?

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About 1835. I'd get a job on the Sheffield and Rotherham Railway, driving one of those old rattlers down from the Wicker to Masbro'.

Or, throwing my guts up on a sailing ship to America about the same time.

I'd probably regret both but it's the way I feel now.

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I would love to go for an early Friday afternoon drink in the Nelson (Moor Head) circa 1912, and see my grandad balancing his illiterate but master cutler bosses weekly accounts, prior to said boss passing the remaining money to the landlord.


I wouldn't mind taking in a live show at the Hippodrome on Cambridge street, Charlie Chaplin with Fred Carno's would be good. Into Nells Bar next door for drinks and supper, if my grandad is in at that time he will feel the flat of my hand on his backside. :hihi:

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