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Why are you, you?

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And what I and others were saying was that you can teach a child to share, but it doesn't mean that they will. And the example given was a one and half year old sharing her sweets, and I asked if she had ulterior motives. Your reply was:


I am surprised that a child of that age would do that. The milestone for this would be about 3 years of age.

The toddler would generally only share if they were taught to do this by the parent or pre school( most parents want their children to share and try to teach this)


But because teaching doesn't always work as intended and as you say the child is probably even too young to learn such an act, then why 'does' she do it?

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If a client hit me , I would want to be able to educate them, but I would also be considering my own reputation as hitting them back would not be good business sense:roll:


Also, in my opinion, by hitting them back you'd be reinforcing what they did was right, not wrong, e.g. "If you do it, why can't I?".




I'm assuming that the business interest was a light hearted joke as to your primary motivator!

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I find this very difficult to explain but I often wonder why am I me? Why am I, as opposed to someone else, experiencing subjective awareness in this body? Why am I even experiencing the awareness within this mind and body at all? Sure, I still may be here regardless, but why am I the consciousness inside my brain and not somebody else's consciousness?






Because your soul is individual ad has been crafted by thousands of years worth of experiances which all boil down to one thing. you. (as you are in human form anyway).

When you die your soul will move onto another exsistance and gain more knowledge :)

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You, and your consciousness are quite different people. Your consciousness experiences the world half a second later than you do.


I don't know about you but the lag in my brain is a lot less than half a second, but I see what you're saying. I'm not sure its that significant though. I don't think it makes them different people either.


My brain is like a computer, it receives input and produces output, I don't see how the time it takes to do that makes me two different people.

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Because your soul is individual ad has been crafted by thousands of years worth of experiances which all boil down to one thing. you. (as you are in human form anyway).

When you die your soul will move onto another exsistance and gain more knowledge :)


There's always one joker!

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I don't know about you but the lag in my brain is a lot less than half a second, but I see what you're saying. I'm not sure its that significant though. I don't think it makes them different people either.


My brain is like a computer, it receives input and produces output, I don't see how the time it takes to do that makes me two different people.


I think what phanerotyme is saying is that it is not your consciousness that makes decisions, nothing to do with being different people.


It is the decision making part that is important, because it is about the why? and the the origin of the subjective truth we interpret our relationship to our experiences with. In the most fundamental of senses subjectivity is truth and our object in life is to not live a lie.

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I don't know about you but the lag in my brain is a lot less than half a second, but I see what you're saying. I'm not sure its that significant though. I don't think it makes them different people either.


My brain is like a computer, it receives input and produces output, I don't see how the time it takes to do that makes me two different people.


It's important to remember, when analogising the brain that it may be like a computer in some respects, but it is not a computer. Also there is no current theory of mind, nothing that postulates how mind arises in brain (and indeed if it does). Given that smooth muscle in the gut also relies upon things like serotonin to operate, expecting the mind to reside purely in the brain is stretching assumptions.


But what I mean in my previous post is that your conscious mind, "the I", is an epiphenomena of your mind, acting as a focus selector and cognitive perceptive filter. Not the decision maker.


But decisions perceived as "conscious" , decisions you feel you make consciously ("I will lift this pint and drink some"), are actually made about half a second earlier than you think, by another part of your mind, inaccessible under most circumstances to your consciousness, your "I".


This half second lag is post-rationalised, giving your consciousness the sensation that it made the decision, when in fact, it received it ready made.

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It's important to remember, when analogising the brain that it may be like a computer in some respects, but it is not a computer. Also there is no current theory of mind, nothing that postulates how mind arises in brain (and indeed if it does). Given that smooth muscle in the gut also relies upon things like serotonin to operate, expecting the mind to reside purely in the brain is stretching assumptions.
Its definitely mostly in my brain at least. Also isn't that what I said, that it's like a computer?


But what I mean in my previous post is that your conscious mind, "the I", is an epiphenomena of your mind, acting as a focus selector and cognitive perceptive filter. Not the decision maker.


But decisions perceived as "conscious" , decisions you feel you make consciously ("I will lift this pint and drink some"), are actually made about half a second earlier than you think, by another part of your mind, inaccessible under most circumstances to your consciousness, your "I".


This half second lag is post-rationalised, giving your consciousness the sensation that it made the decision, when in fact, it received it ready made.

How can you know this?
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