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Why are you, you?

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interesting point this. i'm aquarian(sp) and i've always found my star sign, for the most part, to be weirdly true. i don't necessarily believe but it is uncanny.


It is weird, that the only part of Astrology that is actually borne out by experimental evidence is that Aquarians are the most credulous of all the Sun Signs.

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Do you also think that in the spur of the moment we just react and dont analyse the outcome. It can also depend on how we are feeling at the time. I know it would do with me, and thats an honest answer.


So if I was feeling confident and assertive and there was a tragedy play out in front of me, I am more likely to take control of the situation than if I was maybe tired and lacking in energy?


mmm, at times i've considered this as background noise. Unrelated emotional stimuli which alters the reactive comparator. This swings both ways, e.g. when your overly positive, high, depressed, grief stricken or tired.


From reading one of the articles referenced on this thread, it talks about firing EMF which has an effect on clusters of brain rather than just specific routes. So one thing i've been wondering (probably nonsense) but there are ionisers which positively charge the atmosphere in a space (as opposed to it being negative), maybe 'mode state' could have an influence on the positivity of thoughts.


For instance, I keep away for terror and race based threads on forums (because there just flame wars), but after Kaimani's comment:


calm down children. none among us takes anything of any real value for this. no need to get so excited.


I went hunting down his other posts to see how serious he really is. It gave me red mist to see how he was... Why?

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mmm, at times i've considered this as background noise. Unrelated emotional stimuli which alters the reactive comparator. This swings both ways, e.g. when your overly positive, high, depressed, grief stricken or tired.


From reading one of the articles referenced on this thread, it talks about firing EMF which has an effect on clusters of brain rather than just specific routes. So one thing i've been wondering (probably nonsense) but there are ionisers which positively charge the atmosphere in a space (as opposed to it being negative), maybe 'mode state' could have an influence on the positivity of thoughts.


For instance, I keep away for terror and race based threads on forums (because there just flame wars), but after Kaimani's comment:




I went hunting down his other posts to see how serious he really is. It gave me red mist to see how he was... Why?



not sure I really understand the question.

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Do you also think that in the spur of the moment we just react and dont analyse the outcome. It can also depend on how we are feeling at the time. I know it would do with me, and thats an honest answer.


So if I was feeling confident and assertive and there was a tragedy play out in front of me, I am more likely to take control of the situation than if I was maybe tired and lacking in energy?


I think we probably act in such situations mainly because of what is expected of us because of our upbringing, our perceived duty, and position held in society.

The mood we are in plays a part and probably if we have had an alcoholic drink.

As I get older I appreciate the possible outcome of a situation more than when I was younger and therefore act accordingly.

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not sure I really understand the question.


I'd built up a mental image of this person and then to see a whole different side to him, which actually explained his previous persona better. Why did this then radically alter what I normally do, why did something 'so trivial' as a flaming troll trigger me to act in a way I tend not too?

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I'd built up a mental image of this person and then to see a whole different side to him, which actually explained his previous persona better. Why did this then radically alter what I normally do, why did something 'so trivial' as a flaming troll trigger me to act in a way I tend not too?


Did you feel that you had made a mistake in assessing the situation and was angry at yourself for having done so ?

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Did you feel that you had made a mistake in assessing the situation and was angry at yourself for having done so ?


A good synopsis. But why did it evoke such a reaction, I was in the thick of it before realising what or why I was doing it! Why can't "I" control my self at times?

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The one which I could actually do something to help. I'd do my best to keep emotions and personal feelings out of it and consider the situation logically.


At the moment I give to numerous charities, so in reality I help both.


But i'm of the train of thought that instead of feeding a man for a day, teach him how to fish!


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.


Teach man to fish and he will have exhausted the fisheries within a few hundred years of industrialised fishing and processing, decimating the habitats that cover two thirds of the planet and driving the great fishes to the brink of extinction.


I think giving fish is the way forward.

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In what way is an emotive reaction a loss of control? Do you believe that it's only a reaction from you if its a well considered response? If you slip in the street and catch your balance was that not you or was it you but not ' in control'?

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Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.


Teach man to fish and he will have exhausted the fisheries within a few hundred years of industrialised fishing and processing, decimating the habitats that cover two thirds of the planet and driving the great fishes to the brink of extinction.


I think giving fish is the way forward.

Where does the fish come from unless man has already learned to fish?

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