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Why are you, you?

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I understand the basic function of the brain but I don't understand how that brain produces a subjective form of consciousness that I can call "me". Even though consciousness is developmental, it's that moment of its birth that baffles me. When do I become the subjective me and how does the brain create this?


I'd compare it to fuzzy logic. Basically the dominant signal strength wins.

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Let me put it another way. In abortion debates we often hear the argument surrounding when the baby becomes "self aware". This is the moment I'm talking about.


As evidenced by the fact that people participating in those abortion threads can never agree as to when that happens, it's probably not a moment but more of a process.


As to why it happens, is being conceived and beginning to exist not reason enough?

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If I'm going to comment on this I'm going to have to ask you to define your terms more precisely, this is all pretty vague and I don't want to misunderstand you again.


Well either I don't have the communication skills to convey the concept I'm talking about clearly enough (most likely) or it's just a concept that language can't adequately convey.


The word "self" is vague enough.

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We are made up of so many different facets.

Our genes are of course very influential, but isnt life experience the most important thing that contributes to our self and our spirituality?


This is evidenced by a set of identical twins who grow up in different parts of the world and lead different lives but still have the ability to know when the other ones is suffering.

What makes you you and so unique is your experiences

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What makes you you and so unique is your experiences


So (forgive me my mind is all over the place today) are you saying that without experience there would be no subjective sense of awareness? You could only be observed by external agents?

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So (forgive me my mind is all over the place today) are you saying that without experience there would be no subjective sense of awareness? You could only be observed by external agents?


Well I guess that if you were born and (say) lived in a tower( imprisoned) , what kind of person would you be?

You would only have very negative experience. I guess that mentally you would be very unwell. Maybe though you wouldnt be as you wouldnt have any other experience??


I know that I am am what I am today mainly because of my expereinces and those are different for everyone, though we do have some parallels.

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This is evidenced by a set of identical twins who grow up in different parts of the world and lead different lives but still have the ability to know when the other ones is suffering.

It would be evidenced by that, except that that is a myth, and is not true.

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