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Hillsborough who will?


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I posted exactly the same sort of response about 30 posts ago but titanic only reads the threads he wants. Don't let the idiot beat you down. I'm finding it amazing no Wednesday fan has stepped in to sort out this idiot but they've all gone quiet as usual.


I await your response to my previous post before responding to this one.

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Come on Owl.66, don't live up to the Wednesday stereotype. Think before you post and you could be Owl.67 before the end of the day.


Everyone has there cross to bear, think before you post you could become mockers before the end of the day which defind = mockers put the mockers on Informal to ruin the chances of success :hihi:




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Sometimes mockery is the best method of highlighting a ridiculous decision, and in my opinion the decision to call this game off so early was/is ridiculous.


Clearly you think the game should be called off.


I have enjoyed the snow as much as anyone, but make veiled insults about people slipping/falling over is in bad taste.


Yes the game should have been called off, and that decision has been vindicated by Police warnings advising people not to make road journeys, unless absolutely necessary.

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I'm sorry mate I don't feel put in my place or that I'm talking nonsense.


Once again I'll ask you.


Do you feel it is unsafe to host this game today?


I can't remember how many times I've asked you this now, but I await a reply from the sensible one.


Enjoy your day and be careful walking on those pavements.


Look back your question was answered when you asked if I thought they were wrong to postpone the game.

You avoid questions all the time.

Also I will leave you to it because as your owls friends say you are dragging people down to your level.


Put in your place by your own mob for talking nonsense.:hihi::hihi:.

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Ok clearly we have a difference of opinion on this issue, so let’s try and resolve this in a grown up manner.


Anyone who thinks the decision to call this game off when they did wasn’t a minor embarrassment to the bid can defend it by responding to the following.


I’m going to play the role of one of the members on the panel that decided who got the World Cup.


England have presented all of their documentation and successfully made their presentation and it is now time for Questions and Answers.


Mr Stockers I’ve read the literature you’ve provided and observed your presentation and I have to say I’m very impressed with the passion for the game, as well as the existing infrastructure you have in place to host the Tournament.


However, I’d like to ask the you for the reasons why a Professional game has been called off this weekend in one of the host cities, when by all accounts the pitch was playable.


Could you explain this decision please?


Well firstly I would say that would assume you were all sat in the conference room watching Sky Sports news as the news filtered through and then you would have had to undertake further research to find out the reasons this had occured in what was only a POTENTIAL host city.


And as for infrastructure then presumably you had already failed our bid in that respect because our government had already launched a public enquiry into why the nations transport system failed on the day before presumably a much greater concern than the cancellation of one game in one of the POTENTIAL host cities.


As for pitches being playable I would say in most cases these days the pitch is not the biggest issue as most clubs have the facilities in place to ensure they remain playable. An early postponement makes much more sense especially when the weather forecast shows no immediate improvement as it saves needless travel together with its associated costs. I seem to remember United being drawn against Orient a few years ago with this match being called of at 12.00 on the saturday therefore for many this proved to be a needless and costly day out.


But for clarity I am sure we can ask Trevor Birch at the AGM the real reasons for the early decision. I am sure his opinion of the question will be the same as the majority of posters opinion of you.

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Well firstly I would say that would assume you were all sat in the conference room watching Sky Sports news as the news filtered through and then you would have had to undertake further research to find out the reasons this had occured in what was only a POTENTIAL host city.


And as for infrastructure then presumably you had already failed our bid in that respect because our government had already launched a public enquiry into why the nations transport system failed on the day before presumably a much greater concern than the cancellation of one game in one of the POTENTIAL host cities.


As for pitches being playable I would say in most cases these days the pitch is not the biggest issue as most clubs have the facilities in place to ensure they remain playable. An early postponement makes much more sense especially when the weather forecast shows no immediate improvement as it saves needless travel together with its associated costs. I seem to remember United being drawn against Orient a few years ago with this match being called of at 12.00 on the saturday therefore for many this proved to be a needless and costly day out.


But for clarity I am sure we can ask Trevor Birch at the AGM the real reasons for the early decision. I am sure his opinion of the question will be the same as the majority of posters opinion of you.


On your first two points, I’d then respond with something along the lines of “Would you concede that the much trumpeted infrastructure appears to have failed the supporters on this occasion”


Would you not then concede that with hindsight it would have been better to avoid highlighting this until after the announcement had been made. Certainly, I would have expected the same if United had have been selected as I wanted to see World Cup football in Sheffield.


With regards to the pitches being unplayable, a quick review of games off in League 1 state the reasons as being frozen pitch which we can all accept. It is a different story in the Championship with the following games off and the reasons for this.


Forest- Burst pipes in the stadium

Doncaster-Frozen pitch

Hull-Freezing weather

Portsmouth-Adverse weather


This indicates to me that the only games off for the same reason as United’s are those at: Hull (possibly) and Portsmouth.


Effectively this discussion comes down to two aspects:


The first is whether it is a co-incidence, that one of the clubs who failed in getting their stadium selected just happens to be one of 3/4 teams in the country calling their games off due to safety reasons around the stadium and that they choose to announce this decision just as FIFA decide on whether or not England get it.


The second is whether or not the decision is right and this is purely down to a personal viewpoint, I’m sat here now and I can honestly say if Wednesday were at home today and the pitch playable then I believe the game should be played.


On the first point, if it was just a co-incidence and no intention existed to embarrass the bid, then I have to say in my opinion it was an error on the part of the people who made the decision when they did. They could have waited a few hours and avoided any potential embarrassment about the country’s infrastructure.

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Actually looking at the clubs official release it does not say the pitch was playable rather there was a reasonable chance we could get the playing surface for action.


I think the clubs statement is clear and concise and I assume that when it was handed to the FIFA delegation this would have had no bearing on their decision with regards to the bid. In fact they would probably hav been impressed with the clear and prompt manner that we had dealt with this situation rather than being indecisive.



At the heart of the decision which saw both clubs and the Football League in discussions from early this morning - was the safety of the fans.


With more than 12 inches of lying snow throughout the city and temperatures struggling to get above freezing in the daytime, the clubs and the safety authorities paramount concerns for the Championship fixture centered on access for supporters in the immediate areas adjacent to the Bramall Lane stadium and the likely considerable difficulties in travelling to and from the ground.


"There was a reasonable chance we could get the playing surface ready for action but the situation in respect of the surrounding areas and the considerable safety issues facing supporters planning to attend the fixture was extremely worrying," said Steve Hicks, the club's safety and estates officer.


"With the likelihood of no change in the weather conditions for the immediate future, the safety of the fans was the number one priority in making the decision with Reading , the Football League and the relevant safety authorities to postpone the game at this early stage to prevent unnecessary and potentially dangerous travel.


"The clubs were aware that potentially many supporters, from near and far, couldn't have actually made it to the game. We had to be fair to those supporters and act sooner rather than delay the decision."



A date for the re-arranged fixture will be announced shortly. Tickets for the game will be valid for the rearranged fixture.

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A date for the re-arranged fixture will be announced shortly. Tickets for the game will be valid for [/b]the rearranged fixture.


I live a 15 minutes drive from the ground and have a parking space about 150-200 yards away from the entrance.

There is no way I can get my car off our road and to the match.

Also there are no buses running here and the footpaths are treacherous.

Never mind all that why didn't United play the game?.:rolleyes::rolleyes:..

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On your first two points, I’d then respond with something along the lines of “Would you concede that the much trumpeted infrastructure appears to have failed the supporters on this occasion”


Would you not then concede that with hindsight it would have been better to avoid highlighting this until after the announcement had been made. Certainly, I would have expected the same if United had have been selected as I wanted to see World Cup football in Sheffield.


With regards to the pitches being unplayable, a quick review of games off in League 1 state the reasons as being frozen pitch which we can all accept. It is a different story in the Championship with the following games off and the reasons for this.


Forest- Burst pipes in the stadium

Doncaster-Frozen pitch

Hull-Freezing weather

Portsmouth-Adverse weather


This indicates to me that the only games off for the same reason as United’s are those at: Hull (possibly) and Portsmouth.


Effectively this discussion comes down to two aspects:


The first is whether it is a co-incidence, that one of the clubs who failed in getting their stadium selected just happens to be one of 3/4 teams in the country calling their games off due to safety reasons around the stadium and that they choose to announce this decision just as FIFA decide on whether or not England get it.


The second is whether or not the decision is right and this is purely down to a personal viewpoint, I’m sat here now and I can honestly say if Wednesday were at home today and the pitch playable then I believe the game should be played.


On the first point, if it was just a co-incidence and no intention existed to embarrass the bid, then I have to say in my opinion it was an error on the part of the people who made the decision when they did. They could have waited a few hours and avoided any potential embarrassment about the country’s infrastructure.




Well firstly I don't think the bid was embarrassed by our decision to postpone the game as I dont believe any of the delegates would have been actually aware it had been postponed.


I came home from work on Thursday to find the whole of the Scottish programme had been cancelled now I know Scotland are not a bidding nation but whichever way you look at it we are governed by the same parliament do you also think the SFA allowed such action to scupper the bid. The thought never crossed my mind at the time but I now see where you are going with this it makes you wonder. I really think you should put your shovel away as your hole is getting bigger and you would appear to have an opinion that is not shared by any sane thinking person.

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I live a 15 minutes drive from the ground and have a parking space about 150-200 yards away from the entrance.

There is no way I can get my car off our road and to the match.

Also there are no buses running here and the footpaths are treacherous.

Never mind all that why didn't United play the game?.:rolleyes::rolleyes:..



Our car is still under a foot of snow and no bus or taxi has been up Greystones Road since tuesday. I am a season ticket holder and fully applaud the decision to postpone the game especially as I should now have been in Italy but was unable to get to Stansted for my friday morning flight.

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