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Fed up with the spelling and grammar Police

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It shouldn't matter as long as the post is readable, understandable and there has been some effort to get things correct.


Laziness/text speak/lack of punctuation isn't excusable though and denotes someone who just can't be bovvered :P

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Well said, they are as you say people with no input or people who's attempt at joining the debate has been so pathetic they have nothing else to fall back on.


You know who you are.:rant:.:suspect:.:gag:.:gag:.


Well said it's one of the things that really annoy me on this forum. I see it all the time people will write about something that really matters to them & some will just post to criticise their spelling or completely ignore what the point of the thread is & just dish out abuse

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I agree that the content of a post is the most important thing but correct spelling is important.

You don't need to have studied English at university to be literate.


Having said all that though it is quite rude to point out the spelling errors of others and not necessary. I only do it if someone is being rude to me. :D


I dont point it out, but I must admit to being very confused when people write without paragraphs, full stops or commas.

The whole meaning of what they are attempting to say can be misconstrued.

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Badly written posts are sloppy and hard to read. It is bad manners to not bother to check your posts and posting illegible, nonsensical posts ridden with spelling mistakes is rude.
I bet you checked then double checked this post before you hit the submit button didn't you:hihi:
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I'm far from perfect at spelling but i do try. If i'm not sure i just open another tab up and type it in google and it usually comes up with the "did you mean?" thingy. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes in spelling. It does annoy me when there is no effort made at all though.

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