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Cheap fitness advice needed!


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I recently had to pack my gym in because they put the price up. I now want to get fit on the cheap (i'm a medical student). I wanna jog and i've heard you can buy small weights that you strap to your wrists to help gain upper body strength whilst you run. How good are these?


Also, have any of you guys got any advice about cheap weights or anything else that I could do to keep myself toned? Thankyou very much in advance!

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Wrist weights won't tone your upper body. They simply increase the oxygen cost of exercise by increasing the weight you have to move to run. Their benefit comes when you don't use them running should feel easier!


For strength/toning the cheapest obviously involve no equipment! you can do lots of exercises using your own body weight as resistance (press-ups, squats, lunges, dips etc.) but I think you can only go so far without external weight.

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You can easily design an exercise programme that does not require the use of weights and will build a strong, functional body. You might not end up with a bodybuilder's physique, but if you're trying to tone up and get really strong then weights aren't necessary. Push-ups, pull-ups, dips and squats can all help develop tremendous strength if done in the right quantities/form. If you can get your hands on the book 'solitary fitness' by lifer and strong man Charles Bronson, it's well worth a look. He doesn't advocate weights at all.


Cheap weights can usually be found advertised in local newspapers etc. A basic routine consisting of compound exercises might be best, i.e. bench press, deadlift, squats. For a really good book on the subject, try 'Brawn' by Stuart McRobert. He's quite scathing of most modern routines and recommends only the basics.


You could get both books for maybe £10, or perhaps try the library?


a good website is crossfit.com Although some of the exercises require the use of equipment, it should at least give you an idea for some routines.


hope this helps

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