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Thank god for indoor toilets


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When I was young the houses next tp ours were back to back.

There were two houses to one toilet.

One dark winter night the woman from one house ventuered out to the toilet.

The old man from the other house had a bit too much drink and also needed the toilet.

As she sat there he aproached and open the door turned around drops his trousers and backs on to the woman ending up sat on her knee. To say this almost caused a world war is undertating the issue. lol

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On running away from Fullwood Homes in the 40s they where one of our main ports of call, two or three of us would creep in around midnight after the house lights had gone out (hard to tell in the black out)and spend many a rough night

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Sheer bliss having an Eartha Kitt in them days.


Spooky hike in dark, subzero temperatures over dad's 'crazy paved' garden to the cludgy.


Door creaks open alerting the neighbours that you're about to 'perform'.


If you were lucky the hurricane lamp was still lit, the ice was still at bay, and no wildlife had nipped in for a quick warm.


Any one of the above criterior not met and your next 5 minutes would be hell.


Being a shortarse didn't help either because keeping the door closed usually meant stretching your foot out to hold it in place.


If you've never done a 'Barnes Wallis' onto solid ice you've never lived and you just knew that if the 'target' was frozen, then surely the cistern was too.:gag:


Highlight of the event was the 'clearing up' operation. Us 'tough buggers' usually had a torn up copy of The Star (although The Green Un sometimes added colour) hanging from a rusty old nail on the door - usually eye height to a five year old.


Every now and then though, mum would treat us to Izal. Not known for its 'abrasive' qualities, but it left a beautiful shine.


As for the iced up plumbing and the resultant 'log jam'?


Blame the next person to go .... preferably your sister.


Oh, and the panic when the door jammed almost shut because a stone someone trod in earlier is now stuck under it.


"Quick!! Get out before the 'cludgy slug' gets ya!!!":suspect::hihi:


Great post Sax! Really tickled me. Loved the 'Barnes Wallis' reference!

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Between the row of toilets and the four houses in our yard was a drain which flooded every time it rained. In the dark we could often hear the splash and expletive as a neighbour stepped into the puddle on their dash to the loo. If the puddle froze overnight the yard was turned into an ice rink making the morning loo run even more treacherous.

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