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When food shopping do you look at the price?

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I only look at the price on food and household stuff if it's something I haven't bought before.

Usually it's only pennies difference on staples, and if I need the item I'm certainly not going to bother hiking to another shop.

I can remember my mum traipsing round Walkley and Crookes to save a penny on this and threepence on that. We were so poor that every penny counted and any mould on bread was cut off and half-dead sprouty potatos were resurrected so that we could eat them.

Every time I go shopping I thank my lucky stars that I can afford (mostly!) what I want.

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I suppose you could call it beef... I mean it's hardly the best cuts of bovine going into a can but once upon a time it was attached to a cow...


If I wanted wagyu beef, A: I'd be bankrupted in two seconds flat and B: Why bother? When I have meals at work it's just fuel.

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I check the price of the item I want, then the date.


Must admit that I always check the date and have sometimes pointed out a shelf full of out of date items to be met with 'Ooh don't know how that's happened madam- we are zealous about checking sell by dates':suspect:

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I always look at the price and I've also noticed the price on the shelf is less than the price at the checkout at one chain of shops in Richmond. I think this excuse is a crock because this particular store as done it at least 5 times where I've noticed and probably much more; I hate to think how much I've been diddled out of in the past.


On BBC Radio sheffield last week there was a report on this. The report said this wasn't intentional but because there are so many prices that need adjusting it's difficult to keep track. This was never a problem in the past and now with the advent of barcodes and other technology it shouldn't be a problem at all. Personally I feel it's a con.

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As stated, when you go food shopping do you look at the price of the goods or just put it in your basket?
Always shop at Morrisons, simply because it's local. I could tell you the price of everything I buy. If it's gone up in price I ask at the checkout why?

If it's reduced or on offer I keep mi gob shut.:hihi:

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I always check the price of each item and look for the best value possible. I like finding a bargain. I often buy the own brand or cheapest option 'cos I'm not going to pay more for a label. I don't understand why there are 3 different brands of tinned tomatoes for example, obviously I'll get the cheapest, especially as they're all the same. The exception is crumpets, the more expensive ones are actually better, they're thicker and soak up the butter, but they're a luxury anyway.


I can't always be bothered to add the whole price of the shopping up in my head though, so if I've got too much at the checkout I'll just pop something back.

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