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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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Consider the over 1,000 Christian groups in North America. They include some hate-filled groups as well:


The Christian Identity movement.


Various white supremacist organizations which usually consider themselves to be Christians.


The terrorists who blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

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So, you don't follow the teachings of the bible?


I see you've not encountered Grahame very much.


What he believes changes all the time depending on whatever point he wants to make.


Right now, because he's trying to argue that Christianity is all nice and cuddly, he's going to pretend that the Old Testament doesn't even count.


If, for example, you tried to talk to him about Evolution, suddenly the stuff from the old testament becomes true again and he'll talk to you about what genesis says.


Classic religious mindset, pick and choose what one believes to justify one's own preconceptions.

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That's an odd one as Muslims are twice as likely to be claiming benefits than those of any other religion in the UK.


I was pointing out that Muslims are less likely to do well in education than other minorities, so that stands to reason. What I'm trying to find out is whether Bounce thinks this is because the education system is also 'Islamaphobic' or is he preparerd to consider the possibility that there might be other reasons which aren't the fault of non Muslims.

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There are some disbelievers down my road, should I "take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war." as stated in the Qa'ran?


Should I?

"Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah." - Qa'ran

"..fight them until there is no more Fitnah and all submit to the religion of Allah alone" - Qa'ran

There is this terrible mix in most religious texts. The Quran also tells us:


  • Don't hate other people. Treat everyone fairly. 5:8
  • Good and evil are not the same. Repel evil with goodness. That way your enemies will become your friends. 41:34

It's impossible to label one 'text' as distinctly evil.

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Did Jesus tell you to post links to an extreme anti-islamic website?


"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim 2:15)


That is something you should do especially the part I have underlined.


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Consider the over 1,000 Christian groups in North America. They include some hate-filled groups as well:


The Christian Identity movement.


Various white supremacist organizations which usually consider themselves to be Christians.


The terrorists who blew up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.



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Christianity is soaked in far more blood than Islam.

Islam is not a homogenous religion.


Fair point, but if every Christian followed the teachings of Jesus, there would be no war from Christians, while if Every Muslim followed the teachings of Allah, there would be perpetual war between Islam and everyone else.


It is divided into many subgroups, including Sunni, Shi'ite, and Sufi. A very small, radical, hate-filled, extremist, Fundamentalist, terrorist wing does exist.


Do they not all follow the same teachings from the same book? Interpretation is one thing, but words such as kill, enslave and submit to Allah can only have one meaning.


Do you not think it is time for Islam to embrace a modern outlook and cast of such rhetoric and leave it in the dark ages?


So too does a much larger peaceful, moderate wing. Unfortunately, the former seem to capture all the media's attention, while the latter is rarely heard from.


I am torn between the notion that moderate Muslims are voiceless in our society because they are either disregarded or choose to keep quite.


Here are a few question for you;


As a Muslim, would you like to see a world entirely made up of Muslims?

Do you consider Islamic law superior to that of other religious groups or secular societies?

Lastly, do you believe in the freedom of choice and that people can choose to join or leave any religion including Islam?

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I see you've not encountered Grahame very much.


What he believes changes all the time depending on whatever point he wants to make.


Right now, because he's trying to argue that Christianity is all nice and cuddly, he's going to pretend that the Old Testament doesn't even count.


If, for example, you tried to talk to him about Evolution, suddenly the stuff from the old testament becomes true again and he'll talk to you about what genesis says.


Classic religious mindset, pick and choose what one believes to justify one's own preconceptions.


It would pay you to disregard the words of men. The trouble is you wouldn't pass any of your philosophy exams.



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