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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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nope Germans in the uk do not get racial harassment and are not discrimanted against when applying for jobs. The level of racism in this country is exactly the same as it always was the only difference is it's now unacceptable to race hate so people need a new reason to hate and discriminate against the 'Pakis' and that reason is Islamaphobia.


Things have got better for Blacks and Indians but not for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis instead they've got worse. However second and third generation Muslims are not about to take Islamaphobic racism on the chin if that's what you were expecting.


Post 9/11 I guess Muslims can expect little else... Since then we have seen a rise in hate crime from Muslims towards other sections of the community, and so people are at best naturally wary, and not enough has been done by Muslims to rebuild their reputation the eyes of the majority... Most people would not have it in them to be directly 'racist' towards a muslim, but I don't know many who are not 'cautious' when dealing with them... Things are better for black people, Indians (as long as people understand that they are Indian, as many see Asian and think Muslim) Jews, Irish etc because they haven't been murdering people in the name of a false god...

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this is, i think, a myth. the large majority of people on benefits are natives.
Of course they are, however Serapis wasn't making a claim about absolute numbers he was talking about proportions.


there are all kinds of controls and caps put on economic migrants and those on work visas that means they can't get benefits, get only some etc. so they have very little choice but to work.
Sorry I'm way off with my terminology. When I said 'economic migrants' I didn't mean people who come on work visas, I meant families that have moved here because they think they'll be able to have a better life here (socio-economically speaking), that is immigrants who migrated for economic reasons. I should have been more precise with my choice of words, sorry.


the idea that Muslims tend to have less education where's that coming from?! the majority of illiterate population are natives, mostly from second or third generation unemployed. again.
Again, I'm not talking about absolute numbers, I'm talking proportions. Of course in a country where the vast majoirty of people are not Muslims non-muslims are going to top every statistic there is.


Muslims do tend to be poorer and have less education than non-muslims, this isn't anything to do with the fact that they're muslim, there are external factors which control both of these things.

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Unemployment rates are higher because muslim women stay at home and look after the family.



That's not the same as ssaying "muslims claim more benefits" , which is what you said.


Your link comes nowhere near your claim about muslims claiming benefits.


Why are you lying about muslims serapis?


I'm not lying about anything, but my claim was pretty general, however;


When quoting I am referring to men, not women and these figures are made up of benefit claimants. The statistics for those that are economically inactive are higher and are also on the link.

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How do you explain the disparity between Muslims compared to Sikhs and Hindus, they are from the same ethnic groups in a lot of cases, but are twice as likely to be unemployed.


Because they have a totally different culture and a very different outlook... I know many people from Indian backgrounds and all are uni educated and very western... The people I know from muslim backgrounds, I have never got to know that well as they have always held back and found their true friends among themselves... A culture has developed around Islam that prevents it's believers really intergrating with others, and it seems that this prevents them movng forward and gaining a education, gaining employment, gaining a life outside their immediate families...

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I'm not lying about anything, but my claim was pretty general, however;


When quoting I am referring to men, not women and these figures are made up of benefit claimants. The statistics for those that are economically inactive are higher and are also on the link.



post your proof that muslims claim more benefits or apologise.

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How do you explain the disparity between Muslims compared to Sikhs and Hindus, they are from the same ethnic groups in a lot of cases, but are twice as likely to be unemployed.


They tend to be richer and better educated.


These things pretty much always boil down to socio-economics.

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