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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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So you wondered for years, and never asked anyone? Fair enough! Don't tar us all with your brush then!



Wondered what?


You claimed muslims do nothing about condemning terrorism, I've demonstrated you are quite wrong.


You've spent years wondering about something you could have checked in seconds.


I wonder why you are so ready and gullible to believe the worst about muslims?

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I keep saying that is Judaism and it influenced Mohamed.


Christianity is not Judaism, or didn't you know?


i know, G. and jesus said he'd not come to get rid of the old testament, just to add and correct things. why didn't he correct some of these things that so desperatly needed correcting? judaism also influenced jesus.

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i know, G. and jesus said he'd not come to get rid of the old testament, just to add and correct things. why didn't he correct some of these things that so desperatly needed correcting? judaism also influenced jesus.


He did, he called the Pharisees a bunch of vipers and gave it to them straight, then he showed them a better way and the Jews were among the first converts to Christianity. Then he and the apostles spoke about tolerance and explained the importance of Jew and Gentile (everyone) living in harmony and the message applies today and if anything it is even more important for us all to follow Jesus than it has ever been and he can be the unifying factor between Christians and Muslims.



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It's the Old Testament.


You need to learn the bible.

Im not sure what Im talking about but this is my best guess.

Christians follow Christ. The old testament is part of the Bible to give context and the lineage of the faith to accept the previous belief system and thus the peoples of that religion acceptance, just as the Islamic faith quotes stuff from Christ and adopts him as a prophet.

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this is, i think, a myth. the large majority of people on benefits are natives. there are all kinds of controls and caps put on economic migrants and those on work visas that means they can't get benefits, get only some etc. so they have very little choice but to work.

the idea that Muslims tend to have less education where's that coming from?! the majority of illiterate population are natives, mostly from second or third generation unemployed. again. muslims getting confused with asian or whatever.


I think they periodically have more education because the schools with large groups of ethnic pupils are those that are generally in and out of special measures.

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