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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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Would you ask a catholic if they condemn the IRA?


I am a Catholic, and I have condemned them, although I see why they set up in the first place! I have many frank conversations with people I am mates with - it's just something we enjoy and it's part of our friendship - we know one another very well indeed because of it even if we don't always share the same views... Again, it's a shame you can't be like this with your mates, but maybe they are with other friends, but are aware that you are very sensitive about your beliefs? Why not try a conversation such as you attempt to have with strangers online with those who you actually know? You may be suprised!

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Sixth time:






Insisting something is true in the face of overwhelming evidence is obstinacy bordering on idiocy.


I get annoyed at nasty, unsubstantiated allegations from people who admit they've never checked to see if they're true. That doesn't make me a muslim, I'm a lapsed catholic, I go to church religiously once every year, Christmas Day!:hihi:

So you have stuck up links 6 times ?

And how many of those 6 have they been irrelevant answers to what a poster was talking about ?

I never said there was no Muslims against terrorist attacks in the west so why the links ?


The topic is about why Muslims don't appear to fit in here and I am saying its a lot to do with their own restrictions through religion of treating anyone out side of that religion as being equal. If there is no respect for none believers then how can you expect them to wish to conform to living here amongst us in tranquillity. Everyone knows the barrier that divides us, no one admits it or debates it fully but some of the teachings of Islam make it an us and them situation regardless.


If I am wrong then Im open to being educating.

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