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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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Is there such a thing as a muslim name?


Not an accurate one. Muhammed Mohammed Muhamett M'hammet that guy from the koran get's spelt about a million wrong ways.


Both of you are fully aware of the point bounce is making so quit being awkward. :(

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First off, the domain is .ae. That's United Arab Emirates so you can tell which way that is going even before reading the article. The report was undertaken by European Muslim Research Centre which is even more suspicious. It's back to the old scenario, we'll slag off your country and some of us will even express terror action against your state but we want your state proctection against any revenge attacks.

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Things have got better for Blacks and Indians but not for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis instead they've got worse.


Which indicates that the British aren't racist, just don't like the Muslim religion.


It's not compulsory to like Islam is it?

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