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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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in every age and every country people have always needed 'other' so that they, as a nation, tribe, clan, race etc can have an 'us'. invariably education and time fixes all this and times move on. it's happened since the begining of time and will continue to. racism is on the decline because people, on the whole, have learned that we're all more or less the same. the new fronteer is religion, again, and once we all learn they all more or less represent humanity's quest to be better then all this will go away...only thing is we will find something else to hate each other over...

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I'm proud to say I'm an Islamaphobe. I'm also anti-Zionist too. Why on earth should any belief system wish dominance over the rest of us? I don't like any religions. They all unite by division.


Now do I think it's right to persecute people for their beliefs, no. Though it is for this very reason that Islam is low down in the popularity charts at the moment. If you don't speak out when people kill in the name of your beliefs then what do you expect people to do.


One more thing, can we please stop calling people who don't like Muslims racist. It's a religious belief system. It has bugger all to do with race. Though fundamentally it does.

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As long as Muslims routinely commit acts of mass murder and mayhem on their fellow Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq etc. it isn't surprising that they're regarded with with fear and suspicion in the west.


If they could live peaceably with each other it would be easier to believe they could live peaceably amongst us.

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Things have got better for Blacks and Indians but not for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis instead they've got worse. However second and third generation Muslims are not about to take Islamaphobic racism on the chin if that's what you were expecting.


So you are attributing the fact that non Islamic immigrants are more likely to thrive to 'Islamaphobia?' There are a whole range of reasons for that. For example, are Muslims as likely to complete higher level education as people from other minorities? Or are you claiming that Muslims are discriminated against in the education system as well?

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As long as Muslims routinely commit acts of mass murder and mayhem on their fellow Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq etc. it isn't surprising that they're regarded with with fear and suspicion in the west.


If they could live peaceably with each other it would be easier to believe they could live peaceably amongst us.


If you see a muslim you are frightened?

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If you see a muslim you are frightened?


I don't think he's saying he personally is. Islam tries to spread itself through fear, "If they don't believe what we believe, we will kill them" and all that. It breeds a certain amount of suspicion. Then there's the way (not saying it's the correct way) that Muslims are portrayed in the media but if they will insist on threatening citizens of the west, cartoon makers, politicians and buildings what do they expect? A warm gracious welcome. I don't wish to speak for Greybeard here by the way.


Furthermore, it's simply the fact that there's been a lot of harm done in the name of Islam and I can't say I've seen many Muslims condemn it.

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Furthermore, it's simply the fact that there's been a lot of harm done in the name of Islam and I can't say I've seen many Muslims condemn it.



Prepare to be educated:





This page focuses on condemnations of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other terrorist incidents since then as well as of terrorism in general. It is not a complete listing of all condemnations written or spoken by Muslims but is intended to provide a representative sample.

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christians commit as many if not more atrocities. 9/11 as bad as it was has nothing on the number of people killed since just after people pray to jesus and ask him for strength. it just happens that most muslims are not white that's why you're all so afraid. it's the same on the flip side, the muslim world is scared of christians because for the most part they are not the same race as them. how you all feel about islam here is how they feel about christianity where they are. christianity had its time when it spread and conquered(sp), now its islam. just the cycle of things.

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