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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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This page focuses on condemnations of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other terrorist incidents since then as well as of terrorism in general. It is not a complete listing of all condemnations written or spoken by Muslims but is intended to provide a representative sample.


I am aware in a religion with over a billion followers some will speak out a little. Yet they all blindly still follow the religion.


And thanks for trying to educate me. I fear you should be educating others to not follow their childhood forced beliefs.

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christians commit as many if not more atrocities. 9/11 as bad as it was has nothing on the number of people killed since just after people pray to jesus and ask him for strength. it just happens that most muslims are not white that's why you're all so afraid. it's the same on the flip side, the muslim world is scared of christians because for the most part they are not the same race as them. how you all feel about islam here is how they feel about christianity where they are. christianity had its time when it spread and conquered(sp), now its islam. just the cycle of things.


I don't like Christianity either. All religions teach division. Look what you have just done there. You tried to excuse your religion and blame another. That's the teachings of religion right there. It's people that do bad and good things. There is no Allah, just humans. Until you realise this and start respecting all people then why should any people respect your group?


By the way I'm an atheist, all your books say I should be killed. Now tell me why I should respect any of you?

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Things have got better for Blacks and Indians but not for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis instead they've got worse.


The Asian friends of mine seem to be doing pretty good in the UK:confused:


christians commit as many if not more atrocities.


As islam is about 600 years younger than christianity, there's plenty of time for it to catch up in the atrocities stakes.

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christians commit as many if not more atrocities. 9/11 as bad as it was has nothing on the number of people killed since just after people pray to jesus and ask him for strength. it just happens that most muslims are not white that's why you're all so afraid. it's the same on the flip side, the muslim world is scared of christians because for the most part they are not the same race as them. how you all feel about islam here is how they feel about christianity where they are. christianity had its time when it spread and conquered(sp), now its islam. just the cycle of things.


Jesus said not to kill. I don't see Mohammed prohibiting it.



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I don't like Christianity either. All religions teach division. Look what you have just done there. You tried to excuse your religion and blame another. That's the teachings of religion right there. It's people that do bad and good things. There is no Allah, just humans. Until you realise this and start respecting all people then why should any people respect your group?


By the way I'm an atheist, all your books say I should be killed. Now tell me why I should respect any of you?


Jesus said differently.


"But I (Jesus) tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27)


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I don't like Christianity either. All religions teach division. Look what you have just done there. You tried to excuse your religion and blame another. That's the teachings of religion right there. It's people that do bad and good things. There is no Allah, just humans. Until you realise this and start respecting all people then why should any people respect your group?


By the way I'm an atheist, all your books say I should be killed. Now tell me why I should respect any of you?


tony. why do you assume i'm muslim. like you, i despise organised religion. if i had to tick a box the nearest to what i am would be rastafarian. the point i was trying to make is that all religion work on the concept of 'other'. and most have used violence to subjugate 'other'. it's not a uniquely moslem trick.

i'm not excusing any religion. if anything, i'm blasting them all.

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Jesus said not to kill. I don't see Mohammed prohibiting it.


Should you have to be told not to do something? No-one told me not to kill. If you believe in one life you tend to respect life enough to not have to be told not to take it. How pathetic an argument. Do you not think for yourself?

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The Asian friends of mine seem to be doing pretty good in the UK:confused:




As islam is about 600 years younger than christianity, there's plenty of time for it to catch up in the atrocities stakes.


islam is not gonna catch up as long as we follow jerks like bush and blair to wars that should not be. christianity is STILL at it. the inquisition and crusades got nothing on now.

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