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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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islam is not gonna catch up as long as we follow jerks like bush and blair to wars that should not be.


Time will tell.


christianity is STILL at it. the inquisition and crusades got nothing on now.


All religions are as bad as each other.

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Should you have to be told not to do something? No-one told me not to kill. If you believe in one life you tend to respect life enough to not have to be told not to take it. How pathetic an argument. Do you not think for yourself?


I most certainly do think for myself, and no I do not need to be told something so obvious, but as you can see for yourself there are many people who do need to be told that.



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Jesus said differently.


"But I (Jesus) tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27)


Jesus just contradicts himself. He says love your enemy but then goes on to only allow those he loves into heaven. He's full of bull. Though I don't believe the Bible to be true so it's a bit pointless arguing about what he did or didn't say.

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Jesus said not to kill. I don't see Mohammed prohibiting it.



both preached peace. none of the great historical religious leaders preached violence. full stop. am i right in assuming you're christian? i think i would be right in also assuming most of what you know about islam you know from the news and the few jerks who get all the media attention by blowing things up and beheading people?

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I most certainly do think for myself, and no I do not need to be told something so obvious, but as you can see for yourself there are many people who do need to be told that.


No, I don't think many need to be told not to do that. I see their respective religions or factions of them saying that because we believe this we must do that. There would be less murder without religion.

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Jesus just contradicts himself. He says love your enemy but then goes on to only allow those he loves into heaven. He's full of bull. Though I don't believe the Bible to be true so it's a bit pointless arguing about what he did or didn't say.


He loves everyone, it is people like you who turn your back on him otherwise you would be welcomed with open arms like the prodigal son.



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tony. why do you assume i'm muslim. like you, i despise organised religion. if i had to tick a box the nearest to what i am would be rastafarian. the point i was trying to make is that all religion work on the concept of 'other'. and most have used violence to subjugate 'other'. it's not a uniquely moslem trick.

i'm not excusing any religion. if anything, i'm blasting them all.


Forgive my assumption. Your post did seem awfully similar to those from people with a strong religious following.

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No, I don't think many need to be told not to do that. I see their respective religions or factions of them saying that because we believe this we must do that. There would be less murder without religion.


Not many! Come on, you were just having a pop about all the killings.

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He loves everyone, it is people like you who turn your back on him otherwise you would be welcomed with open arms like the prodigal son.


I haven't turned my back on Jesus. I've never found him. Lets not turn this thread into a "Tony needs Jesus" thread. It's about the study of UK anti-Islam hate crimes.


Speaking of which, If a Muslim in an Islamic country killed an atheist would that be classed as a hate crime or would the killer be seen to be doing god's work?

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