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UK study highlights anti-Muslim hate crimes

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Wouldn't that be a bit like Brit ex-pats on the Costa telling the Spanish they can leave?


The weather is nice in Spain, perhaps we should all go there. Should white British people have the right to go to Costa del Sol in their millions, swamp the local resources, take jobs and benefits, then tell the Spanish they can leave if they don't like it?


is this what's happening in this country?:)

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That is true, but not everyone thinks like that unfortunately. :)


This is where I shall end. I believe we both want the same thing it's just that I believe it's a fundamental part of being human and you believe it came from a book and the teachings of men who got it from god.


Have a good day folks.

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For goodness' sake, the three religions that share the same god are all as bad as each other. They all kill in the name of their god, which should be reason enough for us all to see that anybody who thinks some great deity is up there controlling our lives ought to be in a straight jacket.


The only reason Christianity is on a relatively high moral high ground is that the nations which follow it have 'grown up', while in terms of social development the Islamic states are barely in their teens, and acting like it.


The Muslims haven't grown up ethically or socially and are stuck where Christianity was five hundred years ago. Until they grow out of it, and stop binding their lives to an old book which they follow too literally, we're stuck with fanaticism and extremism on state-sponsored levels.

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I am not a jerk and it might surprise you what I know about Islam. You want to try me?

my 'jerk' comment was not aimed at you G. not at all. and if seems that way, my bad. it just seems you condeming a whole religion based on the actions of a few and making sweeping statements that, at best, are mistaken and at worst...if someone read some of the passages in the bible for example you would think it's all murder murder murder but that's not the case, as you know. when you studied islam, did you do it with the aim of finding fault or with an open mind? because, as you know, in any holy book you can find things to support whatever stance you want to take.

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so what was that bit about him saying:-


Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother ...

-- Matthew 10:34-35 (AV)


that's a bit different to your quote, isn't it?


Self will. That is a reference to human nature. People reject Jesus and follow another even if it is only their own desires.

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my 'jerk' comment was not aimed at you G. not at all. and if seems that way, my bad. it just seems you're condemning a whole religion based on the actions of a few and making sweeping statements that, at best, are mistaken and at worst...if someone read some of the passages in the bible for example you would think it's all murder murder murder but that's not the case, as you know. when you studied islam, did you do it with the aim of finding fault or with an open mind? because, as you know, in any holy book you can find things to support whatever stance you want to take.


That's a good point, well made. Doesn't allow folk to froth at the mouth though, does it? ;)


I get bored with all the race/religion related crap on S.F. It's about time someone changed the record.

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That's a good point, well made. Doesn't allow folk to froth at the mouth though, does it? ;)


I get bored with all the race/religion related crap on S.F. It's about time someone changed the record.


Yes, what with atheists and people of other religions there are a lot who "froth at the mouth".


As opposed to the ONE Christian who speaks up.



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Four teenagers were arrested yesterday after an arson attack on a Staffordshire mosque – described by police as a racially-motivated crime. The fire began at a newly-built mosque in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, at 6.30am.


Police detained three men and a woman in their late teens. Firefighters were called after smoke was seen coming from the mosque. Police said they were investigating a link between the attack and damage to a nearby gas main.


The mosque was not seriously damaged. Chief inspector Wayne Jones said: "We are treating this as a racist attack on a religious building."


He added: "I am sure the community are as appalled as we are at this behaviour. I would appeal for anyone with information to come forward.


"Local neighbourhood police officers are meeting with members of the community to keep them informed and to address their concerns and obvious anger about this criminal incident."






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