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70 years ago. 12th December 1940 The Marples was bombed

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Most of the pubs in the city centre didn't open on Sundays in the seventies and eighties. Neither did the nightclubs and theatres.


You're right about the nightclubs and theatres, but I can recall spending many a Sunday night going round the pubs in town.

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The nearest thing to an official history of the Sheffield Blitz is "Raiders over Sheffield" by Mary Walton and Joe Lamb. It started life after the raids as a 'Restricted'document compiled from official resources and records and circulated to other cities as advice on what to do after a raid. It was revised a couple of years later, and finally expanded and published as a book in the 1980's. According to the book, the story about bodies not being recovered from the Marples and quicklime being spread is an urban myth. Still, it makes a good story!

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My most vivid memory of blitz night comming out of the shelter when the all clear was sounded at about ten past 4 and standingat the moorhead and seeing it on fire from end to end as far as I could see I had sheltered under Redgates but when it started burning we moved to a shelter in Charles St A real night to remember

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Why do people keep on insisting that there are bodies under there? Too dangerous? Why so....? They cleared the entire sight and bodies were removed, it's documented :)


Yes, I recall the stories of the bodies being left in the cellars, I also recall the foundations going down for the Marples, and came to the conclusion that all the quick lime that had been poured down there had done it's job.

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Yes, I recall the stories of the bodies being left in the cellars, I also recall the foundations going down for the Marples, and came to the conclusion that all the quick lime that had been poured down there had done it's job.


I suspect the point is that a 500kg bomb going off in an crowded underground cellar isn't going to be pretty. Particularly as a fire followed. The building was 7 stories high and collapsed into the cellar. The services obviously did what they could and then tipped quick lime onto the rubble to prevent disease.


I am sure there are no complete bodies down there. Indeed it is probable that no complete bodies were removed either. But undoubtably there will be human remains buried, just like there always will at Ground Zero.

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I suspect the point is that a 500kg bomb going off in an crowded underground cellar isn't going to be pretty. Particularly as a fire followed. The building was 7 stories high and collapsed into the cellar. The services obviously did what they could and then tipped quick lime onto the rubble to prevent disease.


I am sure there are no complete bodies down there. Indeed it is probable that no complete bodies were removed either. But undoubtably there will be human remains buried, just like there always will at Ground Zero.


My grandma witnessed at least a couple of bodies being recovered, at the time of the initial rescue. But, as you say, it can't have been much less than total carnage, a seven storey building, receiving a direct hit..

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It makes you think doesn't it? Some folk would have left to catch their tram/bus just prior to the bomb hitting The Marples, other poor souls would have unwittingly replaced them.


One thing that all of them would be very pleased with is the respect that Sheffield folk show for this tragedy. This happened six and a half years prior to my birth, however it could have been 65 years before, it is so difficult for someone such as me to comprehend the enormity of what happened.

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At that time my Grandma was a regular at the Marples hotel, that fateful day my Grandma was sick so didn't go. I can't imagine what life would have been like without Grandma, she played a big part in our lives.

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