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Preparing for the next cold snap

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I will be fuelling up my Sherman Tank with its mine clearing digger attachement to do some road clearing which sits nearly one and a half cars wide. Anyone who likes to park on the path and road will be in for a shock when they find there road nice and clear of ice, snow and cars.


You will then have to figure out how to drive it back out through your garden wall so lessening the frustration of thinking about how to drive it on the icy roads.


Get your neighbours phone number if you dont already have it just in case you dont see them for a few days whilst they hibernate.


Even if you dont need it get a shovel, plastic snow showel, wide stiff long handled brush and some salt. Maybe someone you know will ask you for them.


If you are bulk buying, go to a wholesalers instead of a supermarket. You will get a better deal and not plummet the stocks of stores where people only need a few but important things.

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