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Fat/large/obese/big/unhealthy in. mcdonalds

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Regarding the comment from an earlier poster stating that the fatties may be fat for reasons other than the fact that they eat too much (I paraphrase). This is true probably for a number of obese people, however, I'd say its likely the vast majority are fat because they don't get any exercise and eat too much.

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I loved that 'Mayfair' made Beths mummy think of fags!!!! It's little things like this that give us anonymous souls a clearer image of one another! That said, a tag name like 'Mayfair' makes me think of a higher class of bod than one who swills Maccy D's and calls it food :)


Quite true LS, the paradox of someone called mayfair dining in McD, perhaps it was that connection that led bethsmummy to deduce they were not only addicted to junk food put were partial to inhaled carcinogens too ;)

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i actually find ya cooment rather rude i think you should think before you write at the end of the day some people are rather very large for reasons NOT JUST FAT an some people don't have to walk funny to prove to you that they are disabled an i really hope this family are reading this cause you are bang out of order an am sure plenty more will agree with me !!!


What reasons are there for being "rather very large" other than being idle and eating too much?


Simple equation - over eat/eat rubbish and don't exercise = porker.


I'm sick of all this crap about "Me glands, blah, blah"


I was a fat lad many years ago because I ate all the wrong stuff and didn't exercise enough. However, I never blamed anyone else for being over weight as no-one force fed me.


Also, why should I pay for these lard a** Mcdonalds stuffers to have hospital treatment when their arteries fur up or they decide they want me to pay for a gastric band?


I don't expect everyone to be stick thin either as that aint good.

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I have to agree with the OP. Even though I understand it can be very difficult to lose weight, why knowingly do something that will make you even fatter? :confused:


I would never eat in McDonalds and that's not because I need to lose any weight, it's because I don't want fatty deposits clogging up my arteries and giving me a heart attack.


People can do whatever they want with their lives and get as fat as they like but what I REALLY CANNOT STAND is these obese adults over-feeding their children with unhealthy food until they become as fat as their parents... it makes me feel sick and disgusted - it's not fair on the child; if you're over-feeding them from the minute they're born you're not giving them any choice because they will grow up fat and not know any better!!! :rant::rant::rant:

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McDonald's are at their best at the hundreds of Gasoline Alleys that ring the Interstate Roads of America, along with Burger King, Wendy's, Pizza Hut and others. They serve tired drivers and their families quickly, and cleanly. Nobody with somewhere to go wants to sit down for an hour,if they can chuck the food and coffee into the car, and get back on the road. I have eaten McDonalds in Limerick and Heathrow, and I can see why they're so unpopilar. Dirty places and lousy staff.

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McDonald's are at their best at the hundreds of Gasoline Alleys that ring the Interstate Roads of America, along with Burger King, Wendy's, Pizza Hut and others. They serve tired drivers and their families quickly, and cleanly. Nobody with somewhere to go wants to sit down for an hour,if they can chuck the food and coffee into the car, and get back on the road. I have eaten McDonalds in Limerick and Heathrow, and I can see why they're so unpopilar. Dirty places and lousy staff.


Might that explain the size of the average American.

Were you not taught from an early age that after a meal food needs time to be digested preferably with some gentle exercise or sitting in a posture totally different from sitting in a car.

I used to be underweight all my life until my job needed me to drive long distances with little or no time for a break so I started frequenting fast food joints. My weight shot up and my waist size went up by 4 inches. Became an apprentice porker until my wife pointed out certain facts of life as did the doctor

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I dont wish to cause any offence but surely these people eating in mcdonalds is like a pub serving a drunk more beer its not right and its not healthy. . I went to a local mcdonalds recently and saw a family. man 25stone wife 25stone and two teenage kids both on there way to 20stone. They parked there car with it disabled badges in the disabled bay and proceeded to all tuck into 46quids worth of food 46Pounds on mcdonalds. . They wernt disabled they were just fat and greedy and its about time they were banned. Who wants to buy something to eat and have to sit and look at them ramming there already massive bodys with yet more food. Its the same as watching a drunk drink thereselves to death. I dont wish to upset anyone but does anyone else get annoyed by the same things




What happens in a pub when adrunk man orders another drink?? Unless they are about to fall over, they get served another drink!!

When an over weight person wants another burger they will get what they want too. McDonnalds don't care as long as they are making money do they?

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