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Fat/large/obese/big/unhealthy in. mcdonalds

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Why does somebody else have to be responsible for telling you how to run your life?


Why can you take responsibility for your physical condition and do something about it yourself?




NOt asking anyone to take responsibility for other peoples lifes


If they are being paid to say "according to X Y and Z on my chart, you will develop this problem" then they should come up with a solution to the apparent problem.

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How would they reduce calories if they're addicted to food?


You can't walk up to a smoker, or an alcoholic and ask them to reduce their addiction.


The example given was a previously highly trained sports person. It's morphed into someone with an eating disorder?


Alcohol and nicotine are physically addictive, food is not, I don't believe that most over weight people have what would be diagnosed as addictions to food.

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Making a comparison between people eating too much at McD's and people drinking too much alcohol is silly . Should shops stop selling large bottles of vodka just in case the customer will drink it all at once and make themselves ill , become aggresive or ??

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Making a comparison between people eating too much at McD's and people drinking too much alcohol is silly . Should shops stop selling large bottles of vodka just in case the customer will drink it all at once and make themselves ill , become aggresive or ??


Of course not, it's perfectly fine to point and laugh at a fat person - if you do that to a drunk they'll probably come and hit you, but what's a fat person gonna do? Sit on you?

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...If they are being paid to say "according to X Y and Z on my chart, you will develop this problem" then they should come up with a solution to the apparent problem.


As my mum used to say:


"There weren't many fat people came out of Belsen."


People who eat to much might find it hard to eat less but if they do and if they still eat a balanced diet they will probably lose weight and become more healthy.


Easier to say than to do.

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For someone who has never done any excercise, then walking is greats as at least the person is burning off more calories than they did before.


For someone who has in the past trained/competed to a very high level, or has done a high impact sport in their younger days, then a gentle stroll will have little or no effect.


If you read my post, I didn't say a gentle stroll - I said to build up the intensity of your walking as your fitness increases and weight comes down - the idea being to always do as much work as you can, commensurate with your fitness level. A good & healthy diet is also a part of this lifestyle -this is doubly important for someone who is coming down from obesity


You did appear to be referring in general, to people battling obesity but the same still applies to people who have been athletes.

Even after training at a high level, the time comes when one can no longer work at that intensity - when this time comes, your abilities start to recede towards those of a normal person and, on getting older, walking will still raise your heart rate to a training level which is high enough to burn calories and keep a modicum of fitness.


I have trained for most of my life, done a lot of running, swimming & cycling and, having passed 70, still keep fit by walking. I easily keep my BMI at exactly the correct rate for my size and build.

Walking definitely works.


Many older athletes keep their fitness in this way and I will repeat that your pulse rate determines the training effect of the walking you do, no matter what your age, weight & fitness level.

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All i was trying to say is if they are disabled surely spending 46quid on junk food when your already clearly dangerously overweight is a bad thing to be doing and people shouldnt have to watch them doing it because it is disgusting. .. So to the person that thought i was rude im glad you have that opnion and i hope they enjoyed your tax money when they spent there diabilty benefit on making them selves even more FAT


How do you know all this information by being stood in a que waiting to feed you face with the same muck?

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The example given was a previously highly trained sports person. It's morphed into someone with an eating disorder?


Alcohol and nicotine are physically addictive, food is not, I don't believe that most over weight people have what would be diagnosed as addictions to food.


But they do have addictions to food.

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Personally i think people should be able to eat wherever they want to, its a free country ;)

However, Obese people do theselves no favours by standing in a McDonalds queue, as a species humans are highly judgemental and i have to say i have wondered my self why so many large people go there.

It is the most uhealthiest manky food on the planet and is only going to add to their weight problems :(

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