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Fat/large/obese/big/unhealthy in. mcdonalds

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"I don't want to cause any offence, but ..." At least you might actually intend to cause offence when posting offensive rubbish. :hihi:


Only on an internet forum would you get someone who goes out to eat disgusting rubbish, spends their time ogling other people, and then comes back and bores everyone to death with their judgmental and probably erroneous opinions.


Fat people banned from McDonalds? Personally, I'd like to see people who can't spell, punctuate, use correct grammar, and insist on posting their ludicrous, wrongly informed opinions banned from t'internet. But it's not going to happen. No offence ... ;)

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I dont wish to cause any offence but surely these people eating in mcdonalds is like a pub serving a drunk more beer its not right and its not healthy. . I went to a local mcdonalds recently and saw a family. man 25stone wife 25stone and two teenage kids both on there way to 20stone. They parked there car with it disabled badges in the disabled bay and proceeded to all tuck into 46quids worth of food 46Pounds on mcdonalds. . They wernt disabled they were just fat and greedy and its about time they were banned. Who wants to buy something to eat and have to sit and look at them ramming there already massive bodys with yet more food. Its the same as watching a drunk drink thereselves to death. I dont wish to upset anyone but does anyone else get annoyed by the same things



:gag: I agree, it's disgusting :gag:

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:gag: I agree, it's disgusting :gag:
Oh, and I'd like to see that particular icon, along with the loopy one banned, too, I find it offensive and disgusting. Anyone who uses either should be given a forum holiday until they see the error of their ways. And people who quote an entire diatribe and then add a one line comment, burn them!


No offence! :D

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If you saw a guy completely off his head on booze, and went into a pub, would you be shocked if they served him? Yes, because most of the time they won't serve them. It's the same type of thing with a lot of similar scenarios, it's nothing to do with looks and been fat and thin, it's just not nice to see.


What if you were in Tesco's (other supermarkets are available), and you saw a neighbour you knew was an alcoholic, buying a trolley load of white lightning and cheap spirits - would you expect the checkout staff to tell him to go away, or would they just put it through the till and let him do as he wished?

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Oh, and I'd like to see that particular icon, along with the loopy one banned, too, I find it offensive and disgusting. Anyone who uses either should be given a forum holiday until they see the error of their ways. No offence! :D


Hahahaha, I like your style. However, if there is justification for the use of this icon, then it is when describing McD's??

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Define "high fat".


Define "fat people".


Both are subjective. While both you and I could identify someone being "too fat" or "too thin", there are lots of people in the middle which we would disagree about. Likewise with foods.


% body fat, 32+ for women, 25+ for men. It can be measured.


It would be a hard tax to administer.


Fat people or those who look fat would have to pay for fat card to prove how fat they are.

Sort of like the age policy we have for alcohol. If you look under 30, you best pay for & carry ID detailing your age.


If you look fat, you must show your card, the % percentage fat would then determine the % tax you pay, you could be weighed at the same time to see if any surcharge/discount on the tax could be applied since your last health measurement at the local government fat clinic (doctors).


We'd have to apply this tax only to fresh food in restaurants/cafes as we could otherwise cause a black market in sending skinny people to the shop.

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"I don't want to cause any offence, but ..." At least you might actually intend to cause offence when posting offensive rubbish. :hihi:


Only on an internet forum would you get someone who goes out to eat disgusting rubbish, spends their time ogling other people, and then comes back and bores everyone to death with their judgmental and probably erroneous opinions.


Fat people banned from McDonalds? Personally, I'd like to see people who can't spell, punctuate, use correct grammar, and insist on posting their ludicrous, wrongly informed opinions banned from t'internet. But it's not going to happen. No offence ... ;)

Oh, and I'd like to see that particular icon, along with the loopy one banned, too, I find it offensive and disgusting. Anyone who uses either should be given a forum holiday until they see the error of their ways. And people who quote an entire diatribe and then add a one line comment, burn them!


No offence! :D

You're on a roll. Its rare I actually laugh out loud at peoples posts but you've done it!
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Oh, and I'd like to see that particular icon, along with the loopy one banned, too, I find it offensive and disgusting. Anyone who uses either should be given a forum holiday until they see the error of their ways. And people who quote an entire diatribe and then add a one line comment, burn them!


No offence! :D

I believe that wherever McDonald's and dog poo are mentioned then the :gag: icon should be positively encouraged.:D
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We'd have to apply this tax only to fresh food in restaurants/cafes as we could otherwise cause a black market in sending skinny people to the shop.


:hihi: There'd soon be a black market in skinny teenagers getting fat people to buy them cigs/alcohol in exchange for a supersize big mac meal!

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I dont wish to cause any offence but surely these people eating in mcdonalds is like a pub serving a drunk more beer its not right and its not healthy. . I went to a local mcdonalds recently and saw a family. man 25stone wife 25stone and two teenage kids both on there way to 20stone. They parked there car with it disabled badges in the disabled bay and proceeded to all tuck into 46quids worth of food 46Pounds on mcdonalds. . They wernt disabled they were just fat and greedy and its about time they were banned. Who wants to buy something to eat and have to sit and look at them ramming there already massive bodys with yet more food. Its the same as watching a drunk drink thereselves to death. I dont wish to upset anyone but does anyone else get annoyed by the same things



FGS!! get a grip! and get a life!! who are you to say who eats what and where? what they spend there money on and where? where there money come from!! honestly fat and disabled people do work you know! :rant: if or not they are disabled or not!! good god!! who much more insulting and judgemental can you get? :loopy:




All i was trying to say is if they are disabled surely spending 46quid on junk food when your already clearly dangerously overweight is a bad thing to be doing and people shouldnt have to watch them doing it because it is disgusting. .. So to the person that thought i was rude im glad you have that opnion and i hope they enjoyed your tax money when they spent there diabilty benefit on making them selves even more FAT



Do you not actually think you were rude then? :roll:

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