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Fat/large/obese/big/unhealthy in. mcdonalds

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yes, as a matter of fact i would support a ban on cigs. known carcinogenics/ drug, leading to NHS burden, and massive billion pound profits for fag companies. Prob wont ever happen though unfortunately, like morbidly obese people being banned from buying fatty junk food.

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This isnt the first time threads about McDonalds have been started. I have to wonder why people concern themselves about junk food and obesity.

Let those who dont care much about their health and weight stuff themselves silly in such places. It's a free society and a matter of free choice anyway.

You cant cure ignorance after all

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I dont wish to cause any offence but surely these people eating in mcdonalds is like a pub serving a drunk more beer its not right and its not healthy. . I went to a local mcdonalds recently and saw a family. man 25stone wife 25stone and two teenage kids both on there way to 20stone. They parked there car with it disabled badges in the disabled bay and proceeded to all tuck into 46quids worth of food 46Pounds on mcdonalds. . They wernt disabled they were just fat and greedy and its about time they were banned. Who wants to buy something to eat and have to sit and look at them ramming there already massive bodys with yet more food. Its the same as watching a drunk drink thereselves to death. I dont wish to upset anyone but does anyone else get annoyed by the same things




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i actually find ya cooment rather rude i think you should think before you write at the end of the day some people are rather very large for reasons NOT JUST FAT an some people don't have to walk funny to prove to you that they are disabled an i really hope this family are reading this cause you are bang out of order an am sure plenty more will agree with me !!!


rubbish its what they put in thier mouths that makes them fat

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what about the Heart Attack Grill in America, if you weigh over 350 pounds you eat for free?! This by the way is the home of the "triple bypass burger". They even got one of their fattest customers to be in the adverts, paying him around £70 an hour i believe.




And they wonder why there's an obesity epidemic.


La-la-la-la-laaaa, I'm SPOOFING it!

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So you're upset that you had to watch them shovelling food down their gullets, not because you worry about them being overweight. Let's face it love, you were in there eating the same pigswill, if you are a healthy weight, does it make it ok for you but disgusting for them? Maybe you would like to see segregated McD's where you can eat your **** burgers without getting offended?


I'm overweight, and would not step foot in that place if it was the last place on earth :gag:


I can't remember the last time I ate a macdonalds burger! Can't abide the place!

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There's nothing like jumping to conclusions...

Fat => On Benefits => Eating in McDonalds => Spending all their benefits on McDonalds => Spending all our money on McDonalds => Stopping my kids from having Christmas presents => Drowning puppies


You left out the last bit:-


Fat => On Benefits => Eating in McDonalds => Spending all their benefits on McDonalds => Spending all our money on McDonalds => Stopping my kids from having Christmas presents => Drowning puppies=> making baby jesus cry

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