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NSPCC & Facebook

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I don't know how many of you out there are members of Facebook, quite a lot I should imagine!


If you haven't already been made aware the NSPCC are asking people to change their profile picture to cartoon characters in order to raise awareness for their charity.


I was amazed at just how many people have not done this and shocked by the number of people who have openly commented on how ridiculous the whole thing is, making comments such as "how is changing my picture going to stop children being abused?" If you don't want to change your picture (or don't know how to do it), then fair enough, but to openly oppose an idea like this, which is just to raise awareness is appalling!!!


Millions of children are abused every day by adults and their parents. If you haven't changed your profile picture, I thing you should spare a thought for these children and change it today. It's not a lot to ask!

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So what if its not endorsed by the NSPCC? So what if people want to join in and change their profile picture? So what if they are doing something because of peer pressure and not a genuine motive to help?


Better that than smugly and joylessly lecturing people about how stupid they are to get involved. I presume that all the naysayers are furious philanthropists and donate their every spare penny to a wide multitude of charities and give up all their spare time to help others less fortunate.


Oh, you mean they don't? they just just lecture others about their stupidity. Fair enough.


If you don't want to do it then don't but don't patronise people who do. Thats just crap.

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I placed a picture of a stone age cave painting because Im so old that cartoons were`nt invented when I was a kid.


I will be donating to the NSPCC whether its endorsed by them or not and often donate to them and have no problem with people who have changed their pics to cartoon characters but having said that, I`m not a snob , nor do I consider myself superior to anybody.

People want to change their profile pics for any reason then thats their business- however, if people want to be snobs thats their business too but I know which sort of people I prefer :D

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whilst anything that raises the profile of a charitable organisation is commendable, fads like these also encourage people to be totally superficial in their approach to benevolent causes. It concerns me that a lot of this is simply online posturing – a way of expressing ones good will to the wider public while not actually doing anything to help in a real and meaningful way. Online medium – specifically facebook – allows people to appear charitable rather than actually be charitable, which is a very important difference.


If you are going to follow up this empty gesture by donating or even volunteering, then good on you. If you are simply doing it because you feel obliged, or to make a self righteous gesture of moral superiority, then it probably isn’t worth bothering in the first place.



agreed !!!

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I think the most important point of all this has got lost in translation !!! In my opinion actions often speak louder than words, so i would rather report to the police/ social services any concerns that i had about any child suffering rather than change my facebook profile picture. Yes i fully agree its a great way of raising awareness of the terrible suffering children endure, but as i quoted, im a firm believer that ACTIONS DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS (or profile pictures)

No amount of money will stop this happening !!!, it will help fund the organisations that hopefully will take action and do something positive,that i dont dispute.

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Whilst anything that raises the profile of a charitable organisation is commendable, fads like these also encourage people to be totally superficial in their approach to benevolent causes. It concerns me that a lot of this is simply online posturing – a way of expressing ones good will to the wider public while not actually doing anything to help in a real and meaningful way. Online medium – specifically Facebook – allows people to appear charitable rather than actually be charitable, which is a very important difference.


If you are going to follow up this empty gesture by donating or even volunteering, then good on you. If you are simply doing it because you feel obliged, or to make a self righteous gesture of moral superiority, then it probably isn’t worth bothering in the first place.


You may take a high brow look at things in every part of your life, and believe that you are a model person.....but for once in your life, dont think about something in great deal, .....just smile and go with the flow.

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