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What happened to community spirit? Help in the snow?

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Myself and my neighbours cleared our paths and the public path in front of our houses (don't live on a road) and where my parents live the whole street was out clearing the road. They live in a cul-de-sac and it was the only way of moving off the street.

Two people knocked on my mum and dad's door to ask if they needed anything, my neighbour shared her milk with me until I was able to get some. I then fetched us both some milk when I got to the shops. I've seen other neighbours shopping for the elderly and offering lifts to shops to those who don't have their own transport.


Community spirit is out there.

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We now have a Conservative government that promote greediness and selfishness as they have always done. People voted for them and now they have them so up yours ... I'm better than you.
Get a grip, mate. They only got in in May ...


What have you done lately for other people to make you any better than the rest of us? :)

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We now have a Conservative government that promote greediness and selfishness as they have always done. People voted for them and now they have them so up yours ... I'm better than you.


That's odd because I'm sure we actually have a government made up of two different parties and peoples, working together for the good of the country.

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Our road was left by the council even though it is quite busy, the whole length of it was cleared by those who lived on it, I helped somebody's car out, they helped me clear my drive.


As I walked to the shop in the middle of the road (On the worst day of the snow when there was zero traffic), people who I'd never seen in my life before were saying 'Alright'.


It depends where you live, and how you treat your neighbours, you get back what you put in, and whilst people on other roads around us are all parking at the bottom of the road, on the main road and having their cars broken into because none of them could be arsed to pull together and dig their road out, we're all driving up and down no problems at all.


I wish I lived in an area where you get back what you put in. I did nothing but favours for a disabled neighbour of mine for 2 years of living here. One day when I was feeling ill and she had had another argument with her fella, she rang and asked me to go to the shop to get her cigarettes. As I wasn't feeling well and was tucked up for a nap, I told her I was in bed. Before I had a chance to tell her I would go later on in the night if I felt better she had hung up on me. I awoke 2 hours later to a load of abusive texts and 2 days later she screamed at me like a banshee, swearing and insulting me. As a result we haven't spoken since. Yes, I did report her.


There is an elderly man who lives next door to me. I used to take a parcel in for him every Monday as I used to work at home every Monday. One Monday this had changed, I took his parcel in and as he wasn't yet home, and I had to be elsewhere, I left home. I returned 3 hours later and another neighbour told me he had been panicking as I wasn't in and even had the audacity to say that the parcel contained his medication, as for all he knew I could be off selling it. I took his parcel round, told him my work pattern had changed so if I took it in, he would need to wait until I returned later in the day. Needless to say, the parcels no longer come here.


I have offered to help neighbours in the past and continue to do so, obviously dodging the screaming banshee!


I don't think it's down to what you put in. My other half regularly clears the area surrounding our flats by sweeping away debris, and we always greet neighbours when we see them on our way in or out.

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We now have a Conservative government that promote greediness and selfishness as they have always done. People voted for them and now they have them so up yours ... I'm better than you.


Thats strange i voted for them. I've cleared neighbours snow, helped push a cat today. Done shopping fo rthe elderly and a young mum with an infant - even walked to Morrisons from Killamarsh.


Yet the Labour voters amongst us(75% in Killamarsh), have done sod all and now park their cars on a main road in the cleared trackways.

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