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Sheffield Pyjama Jump


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Originally posted by themagicwand

Yes, they were great times! It's a pity they had to put a stop to them. A victim of these PC times perhaps?


I was working at Hallam when it stopped - sadly as well as lots of people havinga good time there were also lots of sexual assualts, occassional rapes, and numerous admisssions to casualty...

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I used to be on poly rag early/mid eighties.


PJ was the best day/night in the year.


On my first, I got asked to dance three times by blokes being sheepish. I was fully made up, had long hair and quite a pretty boy back then:D The look on their faces when I said 'I think not' was classic.


One bloke actually grabbed my meat and two veg, then made a hasty exit saying 'sorry mate I thought you was a lass'.


When did PJ finish?

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Originally posted by the_nelson

if you want some really interesting stories come into The Nelson!

Myself and my ass. manager Pete were both in Rag, and used to organise/run Pyjama Jump. I remember the first year the trams went online for PJ and people were surfing the trams. Got called into the Sheff Uni Union Presidents office (with police in attendence), we got such a bollocking for that one!


I remember yourself and Pete being in RAG committee circa 93/4/5 time when I used to work for the Union. (Oh my God did I really DJ those cheesey student clubnight discos) There was also another comittee member called (can I say hard drinking type?) Clive who also had some interesting stories about Pyjama Jump.....now I wonder what happened to him...


I can just about remember DJ'ing one of the Pajama Jump nights around 1988 at club in town and it was the most fantastic experience ever....you would not believe what students can get up to after 30 pints of lager each......mega fun with a BIG FFFF...the number of bouncers they laid on for that event was frightening, masses of them..


A truly legendary event that SHeffield has missed a lot I think, but it did start to get very out of hand year after year. I think somebody died once of alcohol abuse during the event and that really put it on future review. To go into Sheffield on PJ night was to risk your very actual sanity and push your tolerance levels to the limit (no pun intended fondly remembered Limit club). I wish there was some film of a PJ......someoneshould have done a fly on the wall documentary, it would be a real local historic gem these days.


You see students partying hard in 2005, but my God, this is NOTHING compared to a PJ back in the late 80;'s and early 90's.

Was it the biggest ticketed party in Europe or something???

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Originally posted by themagicwand

Yes, they were great times! It's a pity they had to put a stop to them. A victim of these PC times perhaps?

Wasn't it meningitis that did for it in the end?


There seemed to be a death every year, but that wasn't going to stop tens of thousands of students having a damned good night out ;)

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