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Any pictures or stories about the old fish markets


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There used to be a guy that walked around the markets wearing a tracksuit. When CCTV first came in years ago I remember seeing him trying to take them down saying it was the devil watching him :hihi:


He is still pottering around in there:loopy:

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Just been reading a thread about Maceys, and some on there seemed to think that the barn like building at the bottom of Dixon Lane in the then Sheaf market ( rag and tag ) where people sold live stock was Maceys, maybe it has been at some time ?.


So whats this got to do with the Fish Market you ask, (I hope).

Well on a 1923 map of Sheffield which is before the now fish market was built that area is marked down as FISH MARKET..

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I used to go with my Mam to the fish market on a saturday morning..if we were flush she would buy me a little saucer of cockles from the fish stalls at the back.(6d)


I remember, the supposedly 100 year old piece of beef, that hung in one of the butchers on the far wall.


Also, when we walked back to Pond St for the bus we used to go under the bridge (Commercial st) and as we came out from under the bridge bang at the side was a fishmongers....with no shop window just an open stall...this is now roughly the back entrance to Ponds Forge.


Where the post office car park is now ,used to be an ice storage area,probably where the fish market got its ice from "in them days".


The dark shed someone mentioned was the market gardeners area,where the big brass sit on scales were.

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The thing I remember most as a kid about the Fish market back in the 40s is going down Saturday mornings and my mum buying me a bunch of crab claws wrapped up in news paper.( They seemed to wrap every thing up in news paper then.)

When we got home I'd sit at the table with a hair grip and have a really good fuddle poking out the white meat...

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