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Enough of the UK

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I may have to book an appointment almost a month in advance but my GP's are brilliant and do (ssh) give more than 5 minutes...



But I also fear where we'll be in a decade.


I also think my GP is great on a personal level, but what do we have to compare it to?


I know very little of the health systems in other countries, but am constantly told (by the government, media, etc,) that the NHS is 'the best in the world.'


But is it?


We seem to be falling further and further down various international lists for successful treatments, and have been overtaken by countries that not so long ago couldn't hold a candle to us.


I'd like to hear more of the facts rather than simply propoganda before I decide.

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....As a kid I dreamt of coming back to the UK- I was born here but my parents moved to France. I finally came back here when I was 16, and lived with my grandparents for a while until I moved out.

11 years on and finally I've had enough. This country could be so much better but as it is it's a mess.

My biggest gripe is the NHS, GP's in particular.


I don't care what people say, the health service is a disgrace. The GP's don't have 5 minutes to talk to you, and are useless at diagnosing anything. Then we have the waiting lists etc etc.


After 11 years, my conclusions are:


The country is overcrowded. Massively. And too generous. Free this, free that. Which is why it's in a mess.


I love the UK- and am proud to be british but I can't help but wonder what's in store in the next decade.


You sound far to whiny to be a doer. Doer's tend to get on and do, and don't have much time for whining.


As Del would say, Au revoir mon petits pois :cool:

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Some real patronising replies on here- I'm the first to defend the UK when possible- but sometime we have to accept it has huge flaws.

The facts speak for themselves.


Smear tests- every 5 years in the UK!! Every year in France! A LOT can happen in 5 years. Many more people die of cancer in the UK than they do in France, the UK does very little prevention.

It's like seeing a specialist here. Impossible. You can go direct to any specialist in France. Here, you've got to beg your doctor to see one and most of the time the answer is no.

It seems to me that GPs try and do too much- and this leads to rubbish service. A GP should be someone who has a good idea on most problems- but cannot fix everything. That's why specialists are out there!

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What no one has pointed out is that everyone in this country is lucky to have the NHS, no one else in the world has it, they all have to pay upfront or receive large bills. If anyone thinks it's bad then simply go private and joint the ranks of the rest of the world.


I have been to hospital three times and seen my GP many times without problems so it can't be the same everywhere.


Apathy is the main problem in this country, the stagnation represented by fiddling MP's and the rest is the result of people allowing it to happen for years. It has been said we get the politicians we deserve. Self discipline has faded as represented by the obese, the permanently drunk and generations living on benefits. It seems we can't stop these people because choice is everything, so be it. On the whole though this nation is still great. A quick glance at country profiles elsewhere should make anyone realise that.

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What no one has pointed out is that everyone in this country is lucky to have the NHS, no one else in the world has it, they all have to pay upfront or receive large bills. If anyone thinks it's bad then simply go private and joint the ranks of the rest of the world.



I think it partly could be the problem. If everything is free and too generous, people abuse it. I'd rather pay a bit more and get first class health than get it free and the system be in a mess, like it is.

Besides, people visiting GP's for a cold a couple of times a year can't possibly comment. When you're well and truly ill and you rely on your health system, this is when you see what isn't working.

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I don't doubt your problems, I really do believe the problems began with 'choice' and all the other ideological trash that turned hospitals into trusts, independent, in competition, some with TV's, some without etc etc etc.


Why? What's wrong with every hospital being the same and everyone goes to the nearest one? There was an era before the 80's when the NHS was not in the news every 5 minutes. No one seems to think "why don't we run it as we did before we had all these problems". It should never have been tampered with.


My own medical problems revolved around my heart that I had to have stopped and re started with pads a couple of times before a doctor experimented and found a drug that did the same trick. That doctor was in a hospital in Cambridge that was ultra modern and much less crowded than usual. So yes snifflers can't comment, serious visitors like me with atrial fibrillation can but I got lucky because I went to a good hospital then an outstanding one. It's become a lottery.

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At loss as to why you've come back from such a great place, stayed 11 years and started moaning. Maybe you have to pay for Healthcare in France? Oh and we have some great scenery over here. Ever heard of Derbyshire Dales or North Yorkshire Moors to name but two.

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