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Enough of the UK

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I thought this comment from an american website summed what I'm talking about quite well:


Thank you for raising this issue. Many Americans think that US hospitals, many of which are newer than European ones, are cleaner. Old paint or old buildings are thought to be "dirty," when in fact the real "dirt" is microscopic and deadly. Old walls with dull paint, if they are sanitized, can be clean; all kinds of surfaces if not sanitized can be breeding grounds for deadly microbes. Standards and protocols are what make for sanitary hospitals, not decoration.


I received excellent care during and after surgery in a French hospital where the floors, walls, all surfaces were cleaned rigorously. The building was very old, but the staff followed strict procedures. Not only was the sanitation outstanding, but other aspects of patient care were superior. Procedures which I experienced as very uncomfortable in two hospitals in the US, were not painful in France. For one thing, the focus was on the patient not on how many procedures they could do in the shortest amount of time. Where health care is done by professionals who are not having to worry about profit, the care itself can be the most important thing.


I spoke with a member of the team of doctors in that hospital about the differences between their system and the US one. Those doctors are more like professors or employees who are salaried. They do not make more money for doing more surgery. Since they are not medical entrepreneurs but medical practitioners, their focus is on practicing good medicine, not making a buck. Nor do they begin their careers with fantastic amounts of academic debt to pay off. They do not get rich, but they make a good living, perform work that they are devoted to, and give excellent medical care.


This is another area where American "exceptionalism" does not conform to reality and where Americans are insular and ignorant of what others do. We need to look around at what works for others and see how to make things work for us in this area as in so many.

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This country is run by fools & idiots.....top to bottom! I'm not saying that France is any better.....just a generalisation which I think is causing the apathy over here!


'Global warming'......it's minus 12 degrees....bugger....now lets call it 'climate change'.


Lets not make goods here.....lets get them from China.....that will be good for the environment!


Too many speeding cars...... lets put wall to walll speed bumps.....bugger it's snowed how do we snow plough speed bumps?


Keep out of your 4wd cars they are gas guzzlers & causing global warming...sorry climate change.....meanwhile the country comes to a standstill & costs the economy a BILLION a day! Now that's how you solve a financial crisis!


We've got too many binge drinkers......but if they are unemployed & registered as an alcoholic we'll give them an extra tenner in their benefits....that will solve their problems.


I've gone past 'ranting' I just laugh at the next crackpot scheme......dig out & spot the pitfalls....and await for 'fruition'! A wry smile and my predictions coming true....and all the so called 'experts'looking for excuses!


Welcome to Britain PLC......

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I can see people getting fed up with the UK from time to time but does anyone serious think they are going to be better off in a different country?


Plenty are making a go of it in New Zealand. Hard work is rewarded.....and community spirit seems to be alive & kicking...... unlike here.

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It's only based on your experience then- statistics are based on many things and many folks.
But your own thread is also only based on your experience.


So, is your decision to emigrate based on statistics, or your experience?

Out of interest, what does the UK do better than France in your eyes?
Provide opportunities for anyone to better themselves.


Never have I lived or experienced a country where this is truer than the UK: if you want it bad enough, and have the drive to get there, in the UK you can get it.


Some other countries may do that just as well or better, mind, e.g. NZ or Australia. But they're a ways (and I haven't yet decided whether that's the next move or not :D)


In France you can't, and haven't been able to for the last 20 years at least. That's the main reason why I, and tens if not hundreds of thousands like me, have left. It's also the reason why successive French Gvts have been finding ever more interesting and circumvoluted ways to punish us, for daring to try and be successful 'outside the system'...sorry, to curb the brain drain was what I meant :twisted:


That's something statisticians won't be telling you much about, because you can't measure it so easily and readily as GDP spend per head on health, roads, etc, etc. I can read the CIA country factsheets as well as the next person, yet they still don't tell me zilch about whether I would enjoy living here, there or anywhere. I dare guess it's the same for most anyone else.

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Why on earth would anyone want to leave England at a time like this, theres plenty of cash to go around so you don't have to work, freebies handouts every where you look, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, myself i'd rather be in the US and work for a livng, but I'm a little strange :huh:

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Plenty are making a go of it in New Zealand. Hard work is rewarded.....and community spirit seems to be alive & kicking...... unlike here.



Ha ha ha. Go to NZ, work hard and get paid slightly more than the minimum wage here with higher taxation and relatively higher costs of living.


FFS, they have a charity in NZ to provide shoes for kids whose parents can't afford to buy them.


Never mind, they have "awesome" scenery.

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But your own thread is also only based on your experience.


So, is your decision to emigrate based on statistics, or your experience?

Provide opportunities for anyone to better themselves.


Never have I lived or experienced a country where this is truer than the UK: if you want it bad enough, and have the drive to get there, in the UK you can get it.


Some other countries may do that just as well or better, mind, e.g. NZ or Australia. But they're a ways (and I haven't yet decided whether that's the next move or not :D)


In France you can't, and haven't been able to for the last 20 years at least. That's the main reason why I, and tens if not hundreds of thousands like me, have left. It's also the reason why successive French Gvts have been finding ever more interesting and circumvoluted ways to punish us, for daring to try and be successful 'outside the system'...sorry, to curb the brain drain was what I meant :twisted:


That's something statisticians won't be telling you much about, because you can't measure it so easily and readily as GDP spend per head on health, roads, etc, etc. I can read the CIA country factsheets as well as the next person, yet they still don't tell me zilch about whether I would enjoy living here, there or anywhere. I dare guess it's the same for most anyone else.


Both in answer to your first question. I do have to agree with you about the point you make about "anything is possible in the UK".

To be fair, it's one of the reasons I came here. The French education system is very rigid and I failed miserably. "they" wrote me off and told me I could perhaps only make it as an apprentice.

I came here at the age of 17- went to college- and by the age of 19 was accepted at the University of Sheffield.

Sadly my health then deteriorated and things went downhill from there.

Seems to me that you win some and lose some in both countries- I wish the UK or France could have the best of both.

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