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Why is the Queen our "Head of State" ?

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All this "Sir' rubbish "Baron" this and "Baroness" that nonsense. "Sir" Mick Jagger, "Sir" Elton John, "Lord" Seb Coe, What a load of utter twaddle !

Just to argue devil's advocate, this hierarchical bull poo will still exist without a monarchy. You can't ban ego.


As a form of government, an unelected House of Lords is archaic and ugly. The fact that anyone who happens to be born into an hereditary peerage, or buys their peerage, or has it given for their services (without any money changing hands, naturally); the fact they have power over legislation, even if it is only to slow them down, is beyond madness.

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Do we actually need a head of state ? We have domocratic elections, the leader of the party who wins should then get on and run the country as he/she was elected to do. Why do we need a house of lords full of "lords" and "ladies". All this "Sir' rubbish "Baron" this and "Baroness" that nonsense. "Sir" Mick Jagger, "Sir" Elton John, "Lord" Seb Coe, What a load of utter twaddle !


You dont think that they deserve some recognition for their talent?

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I can't actually see what the 'purpose' or 'benefit' of having a Queen or monarchy is. Ok. so they bring in a few tourists and generate a few quid. So what ? Bit like The Tower of London I suppose. Is'nt the whole idea of "Queen and Country" a bit outdated and it's about time this country moved forward into the 21st century and got rid of her and her hangers on ?. "Kings" and "Queens" ? God, aren't they from about 500 years ago ? And as for the House of Lords ! Gimme strength ! A bunch of old timers who spend most of their time asleep at Wesminster but get paid £350 a day expenses just for turning up ! But have the power to veto and stop bills and acts the elected governmemts want to pass. Unreal !


Britain wouldn't the same with the monarchy and it's colorful ceremonies.


I can just imagine how it would be without. Probably something like Poland :hihi:


People would be lining up to emigrate out of sheer boredom

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"talent" ? You mean scum like "Lord" Jeffery Archer ? He's the biggest criminal going and he is allowed to sit in the House of Lords and make judgements. What a total scandal !


Why don't you get off your arse & do something about it if you don't like it then? That's how we ended up in this mess in the first place.....not down to money or ruling classes.....down to some 'foreigner' getting off their arse & doing something about what they believed in.....namely William the Conqueror (a french norman) defeating (a Nordic Viking) Harrald for the rule of British soil.


Where were all the 'natural' Britains at this time......probably moaning on whatever existed as a version of SF..... at the time! A good moan down the barter post?


Nothing changes much over time..... all wind & pee!


Whether rich or poor these days somebody always wants 'a patsy' to do their dirty work to fullfill their wants! I think you will find that in those days they lead from the front!

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"Why don't you get off your arse & do something about it if you don't like it then? " I'm politically active. Are you ?


Politically active.....you mean you bore the crap out of everyone else! Politics is a crock of ****....no one gives me the options i'm looking for.


Not sure William the Conqueror provided the modern monachy as we know it by being 'politically active'? Actions...not words!

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"Politically active.....you mean you bore the crap out of everyone else!" Nope. I actually get out and "do" things and TRY and make this country a better place to live in. What do you "do" ? Anything ?


Then can you explain how the country will be a better place to live if your activities are successful and it ceases to be a constitutional monarchy?

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