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Why is the Queen our "Head of State" ?

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I hope they raise vat to 25% so that the queen can heat every single one of the hundreds of rooms in her beautiful home, after all, she deserves it. It is a horrible winter so raise taxes more dave, maybe student fees to 10k aswell to give our wonderful queen that bit extra this christmas.


Eh? They live in a modest sized flat within the palace.

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It helps; being raised in the knowledge that you will serve as head of state means you have years to prepare for the role - unlike Albert Scoggins of 34 Mill Road, Oldham, who won the Monarchy Lottery last week.


Why have I just gone all "Ripping Yarns with Michael Palin?" :D

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I hope they raise vat to 25% so that the queen can heat every single one of the hundreds of rooms in her beautiful home, after all, she deserves it. It is a horrible winter so raise taxes more dave, maybe student fees to 10k aswell to give our wonderful queen that bit extra this christmas.


2/10 for effort.

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whether the anti-royals believe it or not brings in a lot money into the country.
Oh well that settles it, Harleyman says so so it must be true.:rolleyes:


What's the alternative?
A republic like the USA, duh!


Some colorless little socialist pol with a Bolshie chip on his shoulder? I'm assuming from the mindset of the anti-royals that no one but this kind of individual would be acceptable in the position as Head of State
Your assumption is incorrect.
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Would you paint George Washington in such colours?


And if he were around, he could just re-state what he said to explain the world's current economic woes:


"But if in the pursuit of the means we should unfortunately stumble again on unfunded paper money or any similar species of fraud, we shall assuredly give a fatal stab to our national credit in its infancy. Paper money will invariably operate in the body of politics as spirit liquors on the human body. They prey on the vitals and ultimately destroy them. Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice." -- George Washington in a letter to Jabez Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787

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Would you paint George Washington in such colours?



There was a very real need for a man like Washington to emerge as the leader of a group of colonies which were taxed and yet without any representation of any sort in the British parliament.


What reason would there be for Britain to become a republic? The great majority of people would be against the idea anyway. We all know that.


If it were to strip the wealth from the aristos that's just a joke. Death duty taxes have already done that. Most of them dont even own the houses and land they live on either. They're all under the National Trust.


As for grabbing the Queens private wealth that wouldn't solve the national deficit whatsoever.


Most of the wealth in Britain now belongs to the Nouveau Rich who have emerged in the last 50 or so years

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Oh well that settles it, Harleyman says so so it must be true.:rolleyes:


A republic like the USA, duh!


Your assumption is incorrect.



I doubt it. Most ant-Royalism is based on class hatred and resentment of any perception of wealth. A particular sentiment of those on the political left of politics

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"Outside of Britain and the commonwealth countries how many millions of people will be watching the upcoming wedding?" I won't be ! I'm not that sad and have better things to do with my life. Why do we treat these richer upper class twits like gods ? It really baffles me ! What pathetic dull little lives people in the uk live !

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