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Why is the Queen our "Head of State" ?

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Unlike the good people of south Yorkshire who are once again paying taxes to a bunch of aristos on the Tory front bench.


Bloody hell is that roger ramjet in your avatar i haven't seen or heard of him since the eighties when we used to have some episodes on old beatamax tapes.

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Bloody hell is that roger ramjet in your avatar i haven't seen or heard of him since the eighties when we used to have some episodes on old beatamax tapes.


Glad to be recognized after all these years. Roger was a real hero.:D

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The british government was very uncompromising about that and to be fair we got what we deserved though it's also true that the only reason the whole thing stopped is because the feeling at home was that it was wrong to fight people who were basically our own, otherwise thing's would have been rather different.


What a load of tosh. :hihi: They got battered, so they legged it.

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Thing that I never understood about all that was, we got beat by us... is that right?


They enlisted the help of the French (a bit). Bugger cos the main reason for the taxes they objected to was to pay for the war that freed them from the threat of the French. (battle of Quebec etc)

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And replaced it with paying taxes to a bunch of white slave owning aristos in the americas with no more "freedom" added to anyone, especially the slaves, other than the cabal of landowners that previously ran the US franchise for Britain.


Which is why the us constituition is so embarassing and laughable. Hence we prefer not to have one, as they could make us look as bigger hypocritical tossers as the Americans.


Why is the constituion embarassing?. Slavery ended in 1865 for goodness sake and segregation in the old southern states in the 1960s replaced with the bill of rights. Injustices have been corrected after a long and painful period in the country's history so as it relates to the present times the constitution is a valid and admirable document in the rights of man, there's nothing hypocritical about it either

Anyway, transporting people as young as eleven for such petty crimes as stealing a loaf of bread to Australia for a life of penal servitude is hardly a credit to Britain's historical reputation is it?


Face it there's no country anywhere in Europe that doesn't have it's dirty little bits of history to hide

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