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Why is the Queen our "Head of State" ?

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Well we could go with the American system which allows someone with the intellectual capacity of George Dubya to be head of state and supreme commander with his finger on the nuke trigger.


Isn't the 'nuke trigger' already in the hands of the government anyway, I don't think this would make a difference.


Surely the Queen doesn't get any say in whether we nuke someone? That would be madness!

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Nicely dressed up, seems perfectly reasonable at first. But then you realise, that that is not at all the most random way to decide it at all, unless you believe in souls, and that these 'souls' are randomly assigned to bodies upon birth. Otherwise its not random at all.



Show me the person who chose his parents.

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Show me the person who chose his parents.


I cannot, however I don't think that fact has any bearing on the point I made.


Unless you believe in souls, and that these 'souls' are randomly assigned to bodies upon birth, then it is not random. I can't think of any other way which it could be.


It is certainly not 'the most random choice of all [for picking a single person for the job]' as you claimed imo.

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"constitutional monarchy" ok. so where can I actually find a written copy of our constitution then ?


The British Library has copies of the original documents signed in a field near Runnymede in 1215....


Beyond that you go find all the precedent and bits and bobs that make it up - it's not all in one place.

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But what does she and her cronies actually 'do' in her role as unelected head of state in a so called democratic country, apart from open fetes etc, pat kids on the head, tour warm countries in winter, bring in few tourists and make herself and her family even richer ? Sounds like she got a right nice little gig to me !


nothing like being completely ignorant about something before slating it! Luckily for us she has a much better understanding of her job than you do, and I think better than many of our elected officials.

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It's an old truism, proved in many countries over and over again, that anyone who seeks total power is by definition unfit to have it. Who, then, should be head of state? Not anyone elected, and to have them chosen by some cabal of politicians would be even worse. The best option is to have them picked entirely at random - and the most random choice of all is accident of birth. If you happen to be born first in line to the throne, you're it.


exactly look at our politicians and look at the queen. I know who I would vote for to represent us-note represent, she is not making any laws she is just our representation.


The phrase is "be careful what you wish for". It wouldn't have been good to rely soley on Brown for representation for the past few years!

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