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USA in decline. Replaced as a superpower by 2025

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If China ever does become the next world power that does not bode well for the rest of the world. The Chinese are basically selfish self serving people and will only bring their own interests before any others.


Whereas the USA looks out for the rest of the world selflessly.


It's not like they'd invade some oil rich country using lies as a pretext:rolleyes:

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If China ever does become the next world power that does not bode well for the rest of the world. The Chinese are basically selfish self serving people and will only bring their own interests before any others.


Speaking for the people I see!


All are equal, yet some are more equal than others.

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The only foreign countries that will get aid or help of any kind are those rich in natural resources and they'll get totally screwed down the road


Interesting post, but I'll focus on this particular sentence.


I've heard that many poor-but-resource-rich countries prefer to deal with China than with other countries as the Chinese don't impose so many conditions or trade barriers.


For instance they don't require you to improve your human rights record or hand over your economy to the IMF / World Bank etc.

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Interesting post, but I'll focus on this particular sentence.


I've heard that many poor-but-resource-rich countries prefer to deal with China than with other countries as the Chinese don't impose so many conditions or trade barriers.


For instance they don't require you to improve your human rights record or hand over your economy to the IMF / World Bank etc.


Are you saying that's a good thing or a bad thing ?

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No that will be the Argentinians. Without any aircraft carrier/air support, we wouldn't be able to hold onto the Isle of man.


With the way we are cutting defence we will end up selling it to them just to earn something out of it instead rather than having it taken.


H2M - the harriers weren't our only fighters, and the Ark Royal wasn't our only aircraft carrier...


We've also got lots of sneaky subs out there

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The Bush Administration are all multi-millionaires* and well connected, so they won't be affected by any loss of superpower status.


Thing is, the US will control all the oil, except for the Falklands. Are the US gonna invade them next?


* (except Condi, maybe that's why there's talk of her running for election)




The US has enough untapped oil of it's own to be completely self sufficient indefinitely However due to environmental issues and the power of the environmentalists in Washington it remians untapped so instead they buy oil from countries that hate them and we all end up paying too much at the gas pumps because of prices based on the world market


What a joke.

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The US has enough untapped oil of it's own to be completely self sufficient indefinitely .


That just isn't possible.


However due to environmental issues and the power of the environmentalists in Washington it remians untapped so instead they buy oil from countries that hate them and we all end up paying too much at the gas pumps because of prices based on the world market


What a joke.


And that just isn't true.

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H2M - the harriers weren't our only fighters, and the Ark Royal wasn't our only aircraft carrier...


We've also got lots of sneaky subs out there



And an airbase. I'd rather have the Tonkas over the Harriers every day of the week.

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Interesting post, but I'll focus on this particular sentence.


I've heard that many poor-but-resource-rich countries prefer to deal with China than with other countries as the Chinese don't impose so many conditions or trade barriers.


For instance they don't require you to improve your human rights record or hand over your economy to the IMF / World Bank etc.[/quote]


Which reinforces my earlier point somewhat that a country that is devoid of human rights within it's own borders and cares nothing for the same in other countries would not bode well for the rest of the world if it ever became the big boy on the block.


If on the other hand the communist government decides to seriously loosen it's grip sometime in the future there's the possibility that ther might be some serious internal unrest for a considerable period of time as newly emerging political groups vie for power. Not quite as bad as Russia went through after the collapse of communism but serious enough to keep the country preoccupied for a long time

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However, given the fact that China is so seriously polluted already coupled with the unhealthy and unhygenic conditions that exist in the rural areas and many of the smaller cities I foresee an environmental catastrophe of major proportions resulting in the very real possibilility that some deadly incurabale virus will emerge and not only cripple China but half the rest of the world
You been reading Max Brooks' World War Z again recently, Harleyman? :hihi:
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