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USA in decline. Replaced as a superpower by 2025

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...and we all end up paying too much at the gas pumps because of prices based on the world market


Isn't crude back down to under $70 a barrel? By all means, 'blame' Arab governments for the fact your petrol prices are still much lower than ours :roll:

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The US has enough untapped oil of it's own to be completely self sufficient indefinitely However due to environmental issues and the power of the environmentalists in Washington it remians untapped so instead they buy oil from countries that hate them and we all end up paying too much at the gas pumps because of prices based on the world market


What a joke.



I do not believe this is true. Please provide links to verify that your comments are accurate. If it was the case such links should be extremely easy to find given the panacea this would be to the US.

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Sorry mate, dont even know who Max Brooks is even. :huh:
No worries. He turned your prediction into a rather delectable novel some years back (the Chinese start the zombie thing, they munch/take the world pretty much over, but the US saves the day as always ;))
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Isn't crude back down to under $70 a barrel? By all means, 'blame' Arab governments for the fact your petrol prices are still much lower than ours :roll:


They could be a lot lower if we used our own oil and the government and the oil companies could work together.

It wont happen however due to environmental issues, the move towards greener technology and if we didnt buy our huge share of middle eastern oil the Arab countries would suffer a serious shortfall in revenue which is not in the best interests for stability in that part of the world.


We bank roll Israel and keep oil sheikhs wealthy :D

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if we didnt buy our huge share of middle eastern oil the Arab countries would suffer a serious shortfall in revenue which is not in the best interests for stability in that part of the world.


I don't agree on this.


Firstly, if the USA didn't buy the oil, then the Chinese would! Did you know Sudan (on the USA terrorist hit list) sells its oil to China, and they've got a nice bilateral trade going on?


Secondly, the USA has been interfering in Middle East affairs for decades (Iran, Iraq, Israel). I fear the last thing the USA wants to see is stability in the Middle East and for the Arab nations stop killing each other and become another superpower threat to US interests!


We bank roll Israel and keep oil sheikhs wealthy :D


Agreed, on both points!

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