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USA in decline. Replaced as a superpower by 2025

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The Japanese were supposed to be taking over the world in the 80s. Didnt happen. Nor will the Chinese. Their is nothing in the Chinese character or history to suggest they are expansionist. They will have influence in Africa and elsewhere as their country, big as it is has few natural resources and they will need to trade.


It is the Anglo Saxon character that seeks expansion. as America becomes more Spanish they too will become less expansionist. in fact the US has never had a motivation to conquer only to influence and protect its own interests.


The only culture that truly seeks world domination is Muslim. Until that culture comes to accept that it is only one of a number of belief systems it is the Islamic threat that far outweighs both the American and Chinese "threat".



Good post and makes a lot of common sense

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The Japanese were supposed to be taking over the world in the 80s. Didnt happen. Nor will the Chinese. Their is nothing in the Chinese character or history to suggest they are expansionist. They will have influence in Africa and elsewhere as their country, big as it is has few natural resources and they will need to trade.


It is the Anglo Saxon character that seeks expansion. as America becomes more Spanish they too will become less expansionist. in fact the US has never had a motivation to conquer only to influence and protect its own interests.


The only culture that truly seeks world domination is Muslim. Until that culture comes to accept that it is only one of a number of belief systems it is the Islamic threat that far outweighs both the American and Chinese "threat".


Few natural resources?


Zinc, tungsten, antimony, coal, iron ore, magnetite, petroleum, aluminum, natural gas, mercury, tin, lead......I could go on.

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The US has enough untapped oil of it's own to be completely self sufficient indefinitely However due to environmental issues and the power of the environmentalists in Washington it remians untapped so instead they buy oil from countries that hate them and we all end up paying too much at the gas pumps because of prices based on the world market


What a joke.


I always thought that the worlds oil reserves were depleting rapidly. The next super power, if there is one, will be the country that develops alternative sources of power. The west is miles ahead of the rest of the world in this, I think?


So in a nutshell- the oil will run out. We will have been weaned off it by this time. The other nations will fight over what's left. China will invade the middle east. We won't do anything until China moves towards the West, then we'll flatten it...:o

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The USA will definitely change in a big way over the next 50 years. The Hispanics will by 2050 be around 50 percent of the population with whites being the second and others making up the third. That is if current projections turn out to be accurate. English would still be the predominant language with Spanish coming second.


It's not impossible to imagine that there might be a federation of some sort with Mexico, the other central American states and Argentina, Brazil and with maybe a few other smaller countries included and of course not to forget Canada also with it's vast natural resources.


The close friendship with Europe would continue based on the common languages and cutural heritages of Britain and Spain.

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I always thought that the worlds oil reserves were depleting rapidly. The next super power, if there is one, will be the country that develops alternative sources of power. The west is miles ahead of the rest of the world in this, I think? So in a nutshell- the oil will run out. We will have been weaned off it by this time. The other nations will fight over what's left. China will invade the middle east. We won't do anything until China moves towards the West, then we'll flatten it...:o


If it were the west why would it be in their interests not to share the new technology with the rest of the world?

Just for the sake of peace and global stability alone are two very good reasons to let every other country in on it

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I always thought that the worlds oil reserves were depleting rapidly. The next super power, if there is one, will be the country that develops alternative sources of power. The west is miles ahead of the rest of the world in this, I think?


So in a nutshell- the oil will run out. We will have been weaned off it by this time. The other nations will fight over what's left. China will invade the middle east. We won't do anything until China moves towards the West, then we'll flatten it...:o


and face mutual destruction.... you haven't thought this through have you :hihi:

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The Japanese were supposed to be taking over the world in the 80s. Didnt happen. Nor will the Chinese. Their is nothing in the Chinese character or history to suggest they are expansionist. They will have influence in Africa and elsewhere as their country, big as it is has few natural resources and they will need to trade.


It is the Anglo Saxon character that seeks expansion. as America becomes more Spanish they too will become less expansionist. in fact the US has never had a motivation to conquer only to influence and protect its own interests.


The only culture that truly seeks world domination is Muslim. Until that culture comes to accept that it is only one of a number of belief systems it is the Islamic threat that far outweighs both the American and Chinese "threat".


only that anyone that doesn't submit is an axis of evil :roll:

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