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Will ebay ever have competition?

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I was bored last night and trawling the internet as usual, when I started thinking about some of the companies we use online and how we just take them for granted.


The one that stuck out the most was ebay. Whenever I think of buying or selling anything that's the first place I look, and I guess it is for a lot of other people.


That led me in to thinking about how well they had done, and how ebay had become a household name. It also got me thinking that as the concept of ebay is fairly simple, why has no one else managed to build an 'ebay 2' if you like. Yes there are other online auction sites around, but nothing has come close to the size and success of ebay.


So....could anyone ever rival them, and if so, what would they have to do to get people to use them instead of ebay? What could they do better etc?


Just a thought...odd I know!

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but on a serious note ebays got monopoly and most auction sites apart from ebay are just a rip off trying to do you out of a few quid ebay is genuine and can be trusted in my opnion. I just dont no if i would want to use somet else ebay like you said ebay's a household name now i doubt anyone could catch them x

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just looked and amazon isnt even an auction site lol, i dont no im a bit dizzy today lol :loopy:


I agree with your original post, Amazon marketplace is probably Ebay's biggest competitor. In the last year I've bought lots of thing from there ranging from Xbox games (Fifa 2010 for £5), Blu-rays (Casino Royal for £4), books, watches, trainers and a Chelsea shirt. I've even purchased kitchen stuff like a rice cooker, an irons and a food processor.

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I agree with your original post, Amazon marketplace is probably Ebay's biggest competitor. In the last year I've bought lots of thing from there ranging from Xbox games (Fifa 2010 for £5), Blu-rays (Casino Royal for £4), books, watches, trainers and a Chelsea shirt. I've even purchased kitchen stuff like a rice cooker, an irons and a food processor.


And what do Amazon marketplace have that ebay don't?


I just find it interesting! Sad, I know!

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