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I can't half pickem! Buyers that is.

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Its alright selling on ebay but I sold a model Bentley car to a chap who complained that the front bumper was loose and the handbrake outside the driver's door was missing. I pointed out to the guy that the handbrake was clearly visible on the ad. photograph and surely a little superglue would re-attach the bumper assuming that rough handling by PO staff had caused the bumper to come off. Rough handling en-route I doubt very much but the postal workers couldnt make the handbrake disappear without opening the parcel. Rant over. I've offered the man half his money back and am hoping that will shut him up. Perhaps that's what he wanted and I've fallen for the scam. The money I'm not bothered about - I just need to get rid of my late father's cherished possessions to good homes as I've not the room to keep them. Second rant over.

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The 1929 Bentley 'blower' 4.5 litre supercharged was renowned for the handbrake falling off! So much so in fact that 'brake boys' would often run behind picking up the offending articles. It's pretty rare to find a Bentley of this age with an intact handbrake! Maybe you should explain this to the buyer! :D

(I've got a box of them somewhere in my facility if you're having probs)

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There are some very unsavoury people on Ebay :(


This problem applies to all sales, it's just that proper businesses cost this into the price.


e.g. How many returns on average per n units, right add the handling costs to total unit costs, then divide by n.


In your case just increase all prices by 50%. Hopefully this will make you a little extra.


I was originally taught, think of a number and double it. Then I was taught, think of a number and treble it!

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Yes - I could suggest to the buyer that the no handbrake look adds to the authenticism. So if he's taken it off - leave it off. If he wants his money back and returns the car, I re-advertise - someone else may be more appreciative of an absolute bargain.

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