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Is this a record?!


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I know I look young for my age, but I was buying some wine yesterday and I got asked for I.D. (I'm 28!) Luckily I had already planned ahead and taken my passport with me cos it's not the first time this has happened.


It didn't really help that when the shop assistant asked how old I was I said 27, then went "No, er" and couldn't flippin remember! (A work colleague informs me that this gets worse as you get older. "It's usually because you don't want to remember" he joked).


Can anyone beat this? Have you been older than 28 and been asked for I.D. for alcohol? Or older than 26 and been asked for I.D. when buying cigarettes? Or other?

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I thought someone might post something like that! Maybe it will make me happy in 10 years time...


It's just for now it's embarrasing and inconvenient (carrying passport around with me). It also doesn't say a lot for the way I dress/act etc. Ho hum.


However, the shop assistant seemed quite embarrased and kept apologising! She said "You need to wear a badge: 'I am over 18'". Nice.

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Sorry to be the one that said the "obvious" thing


I have on occasion been told I told I look younger than my advanced years and I LOVE it.


But I can see how, when it is an issue of your legality being questioned, you could just want to create violent mayhem. I would be extremely infuriated in your position, I really would.


All I am saying is, the day will come when you look over 21 to every living soul, and then you can relax, safe in the knowledge that you are youthful in appearance



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Originally posted by Belle

But I can see how, when it is an issue of your legality being questioned, you could just want to create violent mayhem. I would be extremely infuriated in your position, I really would.


All I am saying is, the day will come when you look over 21 to every living soul, and then you can relax, safe in the knowledge that you are youthful in appearance


Ahh, I'm just having a moan! It's a pain if I haven't got any I.D. on me is all (which is most of the time).

I'll look forward to looking over 21 and still being youthful in appearance!

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