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Is this a record?!


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Originally posted by Sidla

Last time it happened to me was a few months ago,buying beer in my local co-op. The girl on the counter only looked about 16, so you would have thought she'd have been able to tell really. (I'm 22 btw).

Did you feel embarrased/annoyed or flattered?


And just in case anyone's wondering, apart from my finding it embarrassing and sometimes annoying, I would rather shop assistants ask if they're not sure... I just hope they do catch the ones who really are under aged now and again!

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Originally posted by Lou

Did you feel embarrased/annoyed or flattered?


And just in case anyone's wondering, apart from my finding it embarrassing and sometimes annoying, I would rather shop assistants ask if they're not sure... I just hope they do catch the ones who really are under aged now and again!

I was quite embarrased because I'd left my driving licence at home. I normally carry it with me but typically I didn't have it the 1 time I needed it. I was also quite flattered at the same time, but I guess looking young for your age at 22 is not really a good thing.

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I have the opposite problem... I got chased round the exit of boots by some woman with a clipboard wanting to know if I would answer some questions about my credit card company! I was like "Noooooo go away! Don't rub it in cos I can't have one!!!"


It happens everytime I go in New look....the sales assistant asks if I want a store card, I usually reply with something along the lines of "Yes, I'd love one, but when you're only 16 no-one wants to give you any credit!!!"


I suppose its alright if I wanted to go for a crafty drink, but I just hope that when I'm a bit older I don't look it!!

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My friend can beat your record!

She got asked for ID trying to buy a lottery card (16years and over) and she's 31!!! She had no make-up on and her hair in bunches at the time and is 5 ft 2, but even so 31!!!

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Originally posted by Lou

I'll probably still get asked for I.D. when I apply for my OAP bus pass. :rolleyes:

I've heard of cases like this. I believe the medical term is Prolonged Juvenile Status.


Unfortunately, it is normal for this condition to be immediately followed by the onset of Premature Old Age (POA). Symptoms of POA include forgetting things, driving incredibly slowly, getting in peoples way and saving every penny to pass on to the kids (even if they haven't got any) upon death. Regrettably, many suffers also find themselves the target of heartless jibes, such as "up yours grandma", from juvenile delinquents who until just 6 months ago were their peers.


Enjoy life while you can.

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