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Where are all the 'they've banned Christmas' stories?

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Quite frankly I'm disgusted that they've banned "Christmas has been banned" stories. As a regular Daily Mail reader I am now getting less pages for my money.


If Christians aren't allowed to make the ridiculous claims that they are being persecuted at this special time of the year, that has to be some sort of real persecution doesn't it?

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Well they, whoever they are, are certainly trying to ban Christmas crackers, so it can only be a matter of time before Christmas itself is banned.


Did anybody else hear Michael Ellis speak in Parliament on Wednesday?


"Is my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister as concerned as I am about absurd health and safety legislation, which has reached such dizzy heights in this country that the chief executive of Sainsbury's told me last week that Christmas crackers are now category 1 fireworks, and cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 16 without the risk of a six-month sentence of imprisonment? Will he put a firework up the health and safety legislation?"



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Well they, whoever they are, are certainly trying to ban Christmas crackers, so it can only be a matter of time before Christmas itself is banned.


Did anybody else hear Michael Ellis speak in Parliament on Wednesday?


"Is my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister as concerned as I am about absurd health and safety legislation, which has reached such dizzy heights in this country that the chief executive of Sainsbury's told me last week that Christmas crackers are now category 1 fireworks, and cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 16 without the risk of a six-month sentence of imprisonment? Will he put a firework up the health and safety legislation?"




Don't expect any sense from a Chief Executive.

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i notice in the paper the other day about the police fining you for having snow on your car roof stories.

the police SAID its an urban myth, you can get done for careless driving if it causes an accident, but they DONT drive around looking for people with snow on their roof


Actually snow on the roof of a car can be dangerous. When you brake it will slide down your windscreen obscuring vision.

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They actually ran a counter-Christmas-crazy story on the BBC about how it isn't actually illegal to take snaps at your child's Nativity play. What's the world coming to?!


Our school lets you do it and also video it on the grounds that it's not to be shown to all and sundry. They also ask that if you have any other children on the photo then please get permission from their parents before you post it on any social networking sites which I think kind of contradicts the all and sundry bit about photos and videos as some sites allow everyone to access your photos and details.

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