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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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I know there are a lot of simple people in the world but lordy! It's a worry when even after 6 pages of explaining some people still can't even begin to grasp or accept that using firearms on protestors would be a very very bad thing.
These people have learned to string rudimentary sentences together and add the internet to that mix and this is what you get, the crazies get out of the asylum without even needing a key.
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they quelled the mobs the peace came due to politicians working with the leaders of the seperate factions


..the mob became terrorists and just employed more 'direct' tactics remember?


The (overdue) solution didn't come by holding people hostage whilst staring at them down the barrel of a gun, it was diplomacy that cured that problem.

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I know there are a lot of simple people in the world but lordy! It's a worry when even after 6 pages of explaining some people still can't even begin to grasp or accept that using firearms on protestors would be a very very bad thing.


I agreed with your earlier sentiment, what the violent protestors did was criminal and unnecessary, the police should have picked out the main trouble makers, dragged them out and arrested them (with a gentle 'nudge' on the way to the prison van).


The state using heavy handed control techniques against unarmed citizens would achieve only one thing..anarchy.

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Oh so you think that today worked nimrod. Police lying in hospital beds because they did what wrong? all i said is that we need more power to control these thugs and the army would sort em out. ..


If governments made fair descisions then police wouldn't have to bear the brunt of the peoples wrath. It IS unfair to the police. As soon as demo's are banned then democracy is finished for ever.

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..the mob became terrorists and just employed more 'direct' tactics remember?


The (overdue) solution didn't come by holding people hostage whilst staring at them down the barrel of a gun, it was diplomacy that cured that problem.


a few did but wouldnt you call throwing fire bombs at police and government buildings terrorism ?

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Bad idea. Armies dont exist to shoot or brutally suppress the people they exist to defend at least not in any country that prides itself in being a democracy and besides soldiers are not very well trained, if even trained at all in riot control.


When riots start to get out of hand there's always tried and true tear gas and I presume the police have the option to use this It works well and calms down even the rowdiest troublemakers

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Bad idea. Armies dont exist to shoot or brutally suppress the people they exist to defend at least not in any country that prides itself in being a democracy and besides soldiers are not very well trained, if even trained at all in riot control.


i would argue the point you made regarding british troops not recieving riot training




i have a mate who was in the royal regiment of wal;es ,they trained in brecon for riot control during the miners strike and were due to be shipped up to sheffield but the police broke the riots at orgreave before they got the embarcation order

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