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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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In principle you are absolutely right but it's not so clear cut since the children should have been in school and the wheelchair bloke (this fella IU) managed to break in to and climb on foot to the roof of Millbank the other week when the fire extinguisher was chucked off.


..dont go giving PT any ideas.

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Not really. How many officers decide upon operational matters? You must admit that they are two absolute howlers.


My money is on police numbers not being affected by the cuts. Even Margaret Thatcher understood that controversial policies required a strong police force. I think that Mr Cameron is being reminded of this.


The first was a result of underestimating the violence that students (and those who go to every demo regardless of the cause for a ruck with the old bill) were willing to use and thus not deploying enough officers(plenty extra were available, they just were not used). Definately a bad move but not one that suggested police numbers could not be cut, just that whoever was in charge had bad judgement.


The second is certainly another howler, but again not one that demands large numbers of police, just a thorough review of what the hell the (small) royal protection squad were playing at making the decisions they did. Anyone with a twitter feed could have told them that area was slap bang between the main group and the breakoff group heading to oxford street (and telling the world their intentions via twitter prior to moving there) so anyone with a basic knowledge of london would have avoided regent street like the plague. It still doesn't justify greater police numbers, just better police planning.


So in both cases it calls commanders/key decision makers on the ground competance into question - neither case makes a compelling argument that the police are at full stretch.

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So in both cases it calls commanders/key decision makers on the ground competance into question - neither case makes a compelling argument that the police are at full stretch.


I'm not generally a fan of conspiracy theories. My experience tells me that **** up is much more likely than conspiracy.


In this case, I'm making an exception. If it was the Norfolk Police making these mistakes, I could buy the **** up theory. It isn't, these are some of our most senior police officers making mistakes. The result of the mistakes is to make the police appear to be overstretched. I'm rather suspicious of the reasons for the mistakes.


I guess that we will have to wait and see though.

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Your over rating the students big time, the coppers have been soft on em up to now, probably cos there is an army of 'snappers' at every confrontation point. I want to see the cops set about them and see what 'the students' are really made of....my guess is most of them will be off crying to mummy and daddy when a few get sore skulls :hihi:


Yep. Just like the one featured here, eh?




Care to repeat your pathetic words to his 'mummy' do you? :loopy:


Perhaps you'd like to have a word with him, I'm not sure you'll get the reply, after he's had a stroke. Mind you, I'm not sure you'd get it, before he had one.:loopy:

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Well said, any parent taking kids to these violent demos should be visited by social services.


Percy Sugden I believe?


Get real, it's perfectly possible to stay away from the trouble spots if a parent wants to. Most of the demo was uneventful but that doesn't make good TV o gullible one.

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The police are the violent thugs. Smashing people over the head hard enough to cause brain damage...and with total impunity.


Did you get smashed over the head? Did I?


How do you get to be smashed over the head by a policeman?

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The police are the violent thugs. Smashing people over the head hard enough to cause brain damage...and with total impunity.


Yes the police lashed out for no reason against peaceful quiet people causing no problems at all. All the police in hospital tripped over or walked into doors too.

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