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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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I know. I've read the eye witness reports of so many who were not in any way a risk or trouble makers and who were assaulted by police or charged by horses. Children / elderly people were kettled for 7 hours with no food or water or shelter.


The police tactics were provocative and calculated. ~Some front line officers appeared to disapprove of the orders they had to follow and knew the effect the tactics would have on the crowd.


The police use stronger tactics against football supporters, regardless of them being troublecausers or not, what is your problem, they have a job to do, if you want to challenge them that's how your treated, stop bleating !

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The police use stronger tactics against football supporters, regardless of them being troublecausers or not, what is your problem, they have a job to do, if you want to challenge them that's how your treated, stop bleating !
This was not about a game of football, this was about the democratic right to demonstrate, if you can't draw the distinction then there is something wrong with you.


*And once again, we don't do requests.

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If it was you being hit by missiles you would want the police to do something but some people think that this do gooder bandwagon isa good one to jump on. The police cant do right for doing wrong, if they stood by and let the "students" just smash london to bits they would be critisised for not doing there job. When they do their job to the exact spec of their training they are critisised for being heavy handed. We cant have it both ways. Do you want riots to be the new "peaceful protest" or would you like to be able to protest knowing you are safe and are able to get your point across. If you dont like the way the country is run DO ONE!!!


How ironic, looking at your avatar!

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As an ex squaddie who served in Belfast and 2 theaters of war in 82 and 90, I agree with you that it would be very stupid to employ the army in the policing role. Soldiers are not suited for police roles.

I agree with the students that protested peacefully but for those idiotic wasters that urinated on statues and attacked buildings and property, I say jail them for 5 years. I would also jail/sack any Police that used excessive force.

If by some chance the Condems felt the need to bring in the military though, I can tell you from experience that the violent students better not confuse squaddies for coppers cause it would be a mistake they would pay for dearly.

Yes I agree, what should be done is the tactic they do with football matches, Identify and prosecute after the fact.


If I was in a position of power or authority regarding anti riot measures then I would try and do away with this kettling idea.

I would film as much as possible and identify ring leaders and law breakers. Anyone covered up to avoid identification should be seen as potential criminals and given priority of engagement.

Also I would develop a baton that on the end could locally disperse the type of dye (used in banks in the safety deposit boxes) that that you can't wash off in a hurry, and then would be looking for these people and arresting accordingly. with this baton you would not have to systematically beat someone but just stick the marker on them where it would be visible, and you would be sure that only the trouble makers in the think of it would be marked.

As there is usually large groups of these people but if you got and managed to prosecute a percentage then it would be enough to make people think twice about getting involved as they do at matches with CCTV.

If there is a big push of trouble makers then maybe a deployment of dye on mass would be needed via some sort of jet, as long as it was filmed and used with a degree of accuracy and restraint.


Imagine turning up at Uni to find police in the door way screening for people with the baton stamp on their foreheads, locking people up and the shame that would bring.

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I think people are forgetting that Riots and social unrest were predicted at the last election when it was felt that none of the political parties represented the wishes of the people, or were worthy of a vote.


This is the manifestation of that.


When blatant or perceived unfairness reigns and the people have no recourse through the ballot box, then civil unrest is inevitable.


I fear that the student riots are only the start.

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