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Should the army be brought in to control violent demonstrations

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but the police are the guvnors...and can do whatever they want....did you see them working overtime with their big sticks...bet that hurt


I guess the 3 hours having brain surgery for Alfie Meadows after he was truncheoned trying to leave the area is pretty good evidence that the police batons hurt and the police can do anything. Including getting peaceful protestors angry and hospitalising them.




She said she felt "very strongly" about the police behaviour, adding: "It's part of a pattern of the way in which these events are being policed.


"Alfie said to me before this happened 'Somebody is going to get killed'. It's very frightening."


Ms Power, 32, a philosophy lecturer, said she was with Mr Meadows just minutes before the incident.


She said: "The police had been very violent all day. Whoever was trying to get out, they weren't allowing them.


"We were standing quite far back. We were nowhere near the front line.


"We were just talking about getting out. I went one way and Alfie tried another.


"The police were getting very violent at that point. Where I tried to get out they were charging with horses. We had to run back.


"Alfie is not a violent person. He wouldn't have done anything silly. He's not the sort of person who would have been carrying weapons.


"He's very political, engaged and passionate, but he's not a violent person at all."


She said the other lecturer, Mr Hallward, saw Alfie later on and he was on his own in the street, looking "very confused".


And your point is?

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because to the law-abiding among us who support our nation and its Police and judiciary, the people in the wrong are the protestors and rioters

Police have to obey by the laws too. The law-abiding exist on both sides, and the law-breaking exist on both sides. What laws did the man in the wheelchair break? Speeding? It's impossible to defend such behaviour.

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On that I think we will differ - because to the law-abiding among us who support our nation and its Police and judiciary, the people in the wrong are the protestors and rioters, not the Police who have to deal with the mess they cause.




You always seem to see the world in such black and white terms don't you? Has it never occurred to you that it's perfectly possible (some would say desirable) to both support the police and the rule of law in general terms and yet be rightly critical and angry when they foul up?

Surely even you wouldn't dare to claim that the wheelchair guy and Mr Meadows were dealt with reasonably, properly and lawfully?

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I guess the 3 hours having brain surgery for Alfie Meadows after he was truncheoned trying to leave the area is pretty good evidence that the police batons hurt

I wonder how you'd feel if a fire exringuisher thrown from a rooftop had hit you on the head a police helmet would have offered little protection.

Luckily for the police and the murderous thug who threw it nobodt was hit.

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